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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Hacking Dutchmen  *Wednesday October 04, 2000 @05:02PM  1
   attached to White Hats Take NASDAQThrough MS IIS hole
Re:These were considerate hackers  *Saturday September 30, 2000 @02:49AM  1
Re:Are these really "white hat" intruders?  *Saturday September 30, 2000 @02:44AM  1
Re:Nohican  *Friday September 29, 2000 @06:05AM  2
Re:Test machines?  *Friday September 29, 2000 @05:59AM  3
   attached to Yup, Somebody Cracked Slashdot (HOLD!)
Re:Clear Text or Two-Way Encryption  *Friday September 29, 2000 @12:43AM  1
Re:Why the new account #'s?  *Thursday September 28, 2000 @09:07PM  2
Re:What's with the brackets?  *Thursday September 28, 2000 @07:32PM  1
Re:The hacker formerly known as {} ?  *Thursday September 28, 2000 @06:58PM  2
   attached to Slashdot Database Compromised!

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