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User Journal

Journal Journal: Why..

doesn't fedex deliver on the weekends?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Madonna

I sure wish that someone would smack that fake fucking British accent off her face.

Here's an idea, quit the acting and concentrate on music. Perhaps marrying a director wasn't the brightest idea. You don't learn to act through osmosis.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hard questions for the internet

So I got sick of reading the nth post on /. about why XP tablet pcs sucks and I decided to ask google a hard question. "what happens after you die"

Well, there is no answer out there. Too bad some higher being couldn't leave me a message out there to find so I know what's going to happen. They probably wouldn't know how to get it ranked higher anyways. I doubt if aliens know about stupid fucking search algorithms and meta tags.

Anyways, I did find this stupid fuck. Check out her answer to my question.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Traffic Alerts 1

Do those incessant traffic reports actually ever help anyone? It's not like there is some magical road to take if the one you are on is jammed tight.

User Journal

Journal Journal: War with Iraq 3

Bah, it just pisses me off how the media reports the news as if American's are not in favor with a war with Iraq.

I'll bet anything that when the House and Senate give the Ok to use force, it will be greater than 90%

The media focuses on the jackasses picketing for no war on Iraq rather than the normal joe schmoes that go to work every day, pay taxes, and want the bomb the shit out of shit hole terrorist dictators.

People of Iraq prepare to celebrate, the tyranny is about to end.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 60 minutes 1

I think the reason why they call the show 60 minutes is because that's how long those guys have left to live.

Not to offend old people or anything, but those guys are freakin' old!

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is a big FU..

.. the guy driving that fucking three cylinder piece of shit Ford in the fast lane.

Get the fuck in the slow lane. People that buy 3 cylinder cars should be shot.


Journal Journal: gamespot.com

WTF is up with gamespot.com? They're charging to read game reviews? LOL Like anyone is going to pay for that!

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