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Journal Frank of Earth's Journal: 60 minutes 1

I think the reason why they call the show 60 minutes is because that's how long those guys have left to live.

Not to offend old people or anything, but those guys are freakin' old!

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60 minutes

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  • by Xaltlee ( 64511 )
    Heh, you have an odd mind, Frank. Why on earth would you notice that, nevermind care enough to post? Just curious.

    Dick Van Dyke. Now THAT'S old.

    Not that old people are bad. If I live that long I'll probably enjoy it in spite of my griping. Twenty cats, purple shawl, and a nasty-looking cane, yep. The perks of age. That, and I get to call everybody "sonny" and "child". Hee.

If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent it.
