if they're suicidal then the SSRI might provide the motivation to kill themselves
There's definitely a placebo effect, simply from going to see someone and have them listen to you and appear to care about your illness. It's often impossible to discuss with anyone else other than a GP. I always feel better after having done that before I take the medication. However that does not stop the suicide ideation - the thought that pops into your head every 5 minutes. Taking the SSRI reduces it.
You know how you beat terrorism? By not allowing yourself to be scared
This is quite the most hilariously stupid sentence I've read on slashdot all week. And that's up against some pretty stiff competition.
Are you actually calling committing industrial espionage against allies protecting them?
All intelligence services have been doing that since forever. I'm really not sure why that surprises you. With respect to the Constitution, the security services are necessarily somewhat outside of the law. They have to be in order to function.
I'm not aware of any amendments to the US Constitution that override the 1st
You can sign away your first amendment rights, especially if you work for the security services. How would they operate otherwise?
my freedom has been threatened more by the right
Fascinating. It isn't the Right running around campus shutting down free speech with violent protests. It's the regressive left.
left wing rag
I call it a left-wing rag because it is a left-wing rag; part of the regressive left.
their fascist heroes
Continue to make the word "fascist" completely meaningless so when a real fascist comes along you'll have nothing to call him.
when you are more likely to die falling out of bed than by terrorism
Did it ever occur to you, oh pea brained little oik, that the reason terrorist acts are relatively rare is because the security services are busy 24/7 trying to prevent attacks? Good grief.
Half of all of them are glad to throw out freedoms in exchange for (empty) promises of security
You realise those same security services protected your country and the entire Western world during the Cold War, don't you? Personally I happen to think they went too far but the fact of the matter is we've had signals intelligence since World War I and its saved our bacon many times since then. The only thing that's changed is the source of the signals. I would be very circumspect at applauding a traitor willing to spill the country's secrets to the media like that. I'm sure both he and the Guardian journalists involved thought they were in a Bourne film. Shame their left-wing rag is losing £90m a year.
"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks