Comment Re:Sorry, No Quebec Change... (Score 1) 27
Ya I hate to say it but the talent you find in Quebec is no different than what you would find any other location in North America.
The difference is like I said that the Quebec provincial government is the only one with any intelligence to invest early into this stuff. Which I must say I am quite envious and jealous, I wish we had non inept technology ministers here who knew how to do their dammed jobs and invest in its citizens properly.
As for Quebec provincial income, the only figure worth pointing out is the 20 billion the place takes in with transfer payments from everyone else. Spout your hydro quebec crap elsewhere since it's power that they got for a song and a dance via good intentions of sharing from Newfoundland and Labrador and then stab them in the back by reselling it to the US power grids. If that money went back to the people who gave it to you that might be another story worth sharing, but we all know doesn't happen.
In regards to investing in Quebec or not, I couldn't care, what I do care is a use of the nations tax dollars to create unfair markets. It's stupid that we have trade agreements to counter this stuff with other nations but within our own country its OK to screw one another over by taking advantage of our nature to share and look out for one another.
FYI: I don't hate Quebec, I just hate the people from Quebec who think that they are treated unfairly because of some BS about being a "distinct and seperate society" and don't realize how good they have it. Guess what guys, you're Canadians so bloody well act like it.