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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Like Satellite Radio  *Wednesday November 16, 2005 @09:02AM 1 2
   attached to Cingular to Offer Radio Service
Re:Be Greedo  *Tuesday November 08, 2005 @02:50PM  2
   attached to Pirates Thwarted by Sonic Weapon
Re:Patriotism... sigh  *Monday October 10, 2005 @10:33AM 1 2
   attached to Stanford's Stanley wins DARPA Grand Challenge
Predicted about 10 years ago  *Sunday October 09, 2005 @05:07PM 2 3, Interesting
   attached to USB FlashDrives The New PC?
Re:But wati  *Friday October 07, 2005 @03:28PM 1 2
   attached to Dissecting Songs Down to Their 'Musical Genome'
Re:next step  *Thursday September 29, 2005 @11:26AM  2
   attached to Firefox Momentum Slows
Re:Is Google the New Bell Labs?  *Thursday September 29, 2005 @10:00AM  2
   attached to Google And NASA To Collaborate On Technology
Re:Why not  *Tuesday September 27, 2005 @01:59PM  2
   attached to Mozilla Lightning Plans to Unify Mail & Calendar
Missing option....  *Tuesday September 27, 2005 @03:33PM 2 1, Redundant
   attached to Poll: Serenity
Rural areas?  *Tuesday September 20, 2005 @10:09AM  2
   attached to Google WiFi+VPN Confirmed
Re:Jersey  *Friday September 16, 2005 @11:44AM 2 2
Bring out your dead!  *Friday September 16, 2005 @11:22AM  2
   attached to Missing Lab Mice Infected With Plague
Re:What about the USF?  *Friday September 16, 2005 @10:29AM 1 2
   attached to Overhauled Telecommunications Law Draft
Re:Ye of little faith. Pastafarians have the answe  *Friday September 16, 2005 @09:59AM 1 3
   attached to The Return of Saturn's Spokes
Re:UI suggestion  *Thursday September 15, 2005 @01:48PM 1 2
Re:UI suggestion  *Thursday September 15, 2005 @01:12PM 12 2, Insightful
   attached to IE UI Designer On His Switch To FireFox
Re:How Else Can You Decide Which Doctor to Choose  *Wednesday September 14, 2005 @02:40PM 3 5, Informative
   attached to Doctors Sue Patients for Online Complaints
Re:Are they STILL around?  *Wednesday September 14, 2005 @01:13PM  2
   attached to Review: Nintendogs
Re:iTV?  *Wednesday September 14, 2005 @11:46AM  2
   attached to TiVo OS Update Adds Content Protection
Re:Is this good for VHS = DVD  *Tuesday September 13, 2005 @01:36PM  2
   attached to Cinelerra 2.0 Released
Re:The hand is not the optimal holding shape  *Friday September 09, 2005 @11:09AM 3 2
   attached to Clever Artificial Hand Developed
Re:You'll never use all that...  *Thursday September 08, 2005 @02:55PM  2
   attached to Half-Terabyte Hard Drive Reviewed
Re:Not very efficient  *Wednesday September 07, 2005 @09:39AM  2
   attached to Hydrogen Stored in Safe High Density Pellets
All kinds of stuff....  *Thursday September 01, 2005 @03:22PM  2
   attached to Poll: Favorite computer adornment?

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
