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Comment Re:OpenGL, Vulkan, and Metal (Score 1) 66

It seems that they're no longer interested in developing the Mac line, unless they somehow manage to turn the Mac ecosystem into a walled garden, like their smaller devices.

Yes and it looks like it will probably will get worse for the mac ecosystem because Apple is about to switch from Intel based processors to their very own Ax processor that is used in their iPads and iPhones. I love Apple products (though not all), and I have been using them for 35+ years but the way things have been going is a little ridiculous when it comes to the Mac. They are severely overpriced for the hardware that you get, have no decent GPU support, and now are going to move away from X86. As a mac user, I want to be connected to the rest of the computer industry. It seems Tim Cook has other idea about that.

Comment Apple does not make gaming computers PERIOD. (Score 1) 66

Apple doesn't care about gaming PERIOD. If they did they would have consumer grade macs with Nvidia GPU's and would have adopted Direct X. In the past when I see Apple make some kind of statement about embracing gaming, I know its going no where. Apple may make some quality computers but computers that are capable of gaming, NO.

Comment Re:So smart (Score 1) 50

So many smart people at Google apparently does not understand the concept of "critical mass".

People living in the Silicon Valley "bubble" sometimes have ideas that just don't translate well to every day normal people. I remember watching a late night comedy skit on Google Glass where the google employee's where wearing these glasses and they were thinking how cool it was that the glasses could identify everyday things like a gas station sign. It was hilarious.

Comment Re:Good For the Short-Term, Bad For the Long-Term (Score 1) 141

As a long time Apple user I am not happy about hearing this. I would be much happier if they stuck with Intel x86 or switched to AMD. I really hate the "logic" that Tim Cook's Apple uses to wall themselves off from the rest of the computer industry. As great as Macs are they are so overpriced for what they are hardware wise. I don't think its a stretch to say that Apple has neglected the Mac over the years with success of the iPhone and iPad. What really bothers me about Apple is the overpricing of their hardware. The Mac Mini went 5 years with no update and for 5 years they charged the same price. I really feel that Apple neglects its Mac users. With all the money that rolls in from the iPhone and iPad Apple could afford to make a very solid and more affordable line of computers using good GPU's from Nvidia, and not overcharging for RAM and hard drives. They could stop soldering on the RAM and make all hard drives that come with their computers be able to be upgraded. Apple could have done things like that to give Macs more value. They could have done this to "win" over more users and make current ones more happy. In regard to Mac computers, Tim Cook's Apple has neglected them and made them into over priced elitist machines that have lost value on the hardware side. As a long time Mac user, its kinda tragic to see the Mac go down this road.

Comment Download for purchase individual songs and albums (Score 3, Insightful) 32

I download for purchase individual songs and albums for my personal use and collection. And that is how I like to listen to my music. I don't see myself changing that in the foreseeable future. Call me old school but I like to own my music. I like listening to it as many times as I wish online or off with one payment. Its mine, and I'll do with it as I please. As far as I am concerned, it'll be a sad day in American music culture the day the music industry tries to force or get their way to shut down music stores like iTunes and the like.

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