Comment Re:Age Gap (Score 1) 217
Or, smart enough to realize that almost anything that can be said in 160 characters or less, really isn't worth saying at all.
Character count: 126
Or, smart enough to realize that almost anything that can be said in 160 characters or less, really isn't worth saying at all.
Character count: 126
First off, last time I checked, mac had a market share around 5%. Now if you want to quote a source saying over 10%, be my guest. Secondly, even if it was above 10%, I think that could be considered a fraction of the installed windows user base.
This took all of about 15 seconds:
Was the last time you checked? 1997?
The market share argument is getting about as dated as the "one button mouse LOL" argument. Try again.
99.9% of Slashdot are not Apple's target audience. I'm looking at you Freegan Penguinista Android fanbois.
The rest of the world, you know, the ones that bathe regularly, don't go "shopping" for their groceries out of trash bins, have managed to move out of their parents houses?
It's for them. Most people don't want to waste time farting around with their computers. They want to get whatever it is they're trying to get done, done.
Try reading this. It was written by someone who actually develops software for a living, and is apparently confident enough about their appearance to show a picture of their face on their blog.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith