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Comment Re:Looks like the AG actually read the law (Score 1) 817

When the goverment oppress opposition the voting does not become legimate. US want to have international oversight on other countrys elections. Thats is why we want to observe the US election. It is known that the ruling party appoint what what the minority voted for; se Bush v Gore.

Comment Best is not good (Score 1) 168

Where is the broadband speed? 30mbps at max is not fast. Only becourse FIOS is the fastest does not mean its good. At least 100mbits I say. Like you could walk 99,999% over the street and not die. You are the best of the dead.. still does not matter.

Comment It was me! (Score 1) 281

How do you know it was not me? That I created stuxnet and make it look like the US/Israel so everybody thinks it was the Russians. Nobody would not suspect it. I didnt try to reverse engeieer the program and the Siemens parts can be bought over ebay.

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"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
