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Comment Re: Well done! (Score 1) 458

> SpaceX

> undercut every other launch company in costs

> completely eat the rocket launch market

> big cash loser

You know SpaceX is trivially profitable, right? The only reason it's losing cash, if that, is because Musk puts everything back into research because beating every other rocket in existence isn't enough for him, he also wants to beat rockets that don't even exist yet and maybe never will exist.

The word "loser" is not applicable to SpaceX in any form.

Comment Downgraded to Android Firefox 56, lost all my tabs (Score 1) 589

All my desktops are safely running Firefox 52 and will continue to run it until I'm forced to switch to a Firefox fork that supports TabMixPlus, because if I have a choice between a browser without TMP and one with it, speed is basically a non-topic and security only a tangential consideration. What really fucked me was the Android auto-update to Firefox 57. Because the UI assumes it's themed in white, it forces the Android top bar white. So I can be reading a site with a dark theme, running Firefox with a dark theme... with a glaring white bar on top, shining like burning magnesium. This isn't just an annoying bug - it's a *showstopper*. It makes the browser straight-up unusable for a primary usecase: reading at night with the light off. I lost all my tabs when I had to uninstall Firefox 57 so that the APK install for 56 would work. But it was worth it.

Comment Re:He's obviously right (Score 3) 635

First of all, the Linux userbase is really small to begin with. Within that small userbase, you have two relatively large groups:

1. The ideologues, who really believe in RMS's idea that proprietary software is unethical. 2. The cheapskates, who aren't going to pay for software.

Who's left to sell to?

Well. Apparently I don't exist! Good to know.

Comment Re:No games under Linux, yeah right. (Score 1) 190

Now, look at the release dates for most of those games. It's great that you're getting yesterday's games today, but some of us want to play today's games today.

A year ago? (AC2, CoP, SC2) You know, I'm fine with that. :p There simply haven't been that many interesting games released lately.

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