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Comment Re:Adobe standalone Flash Player still available (Score 1) 45

The standalone projector isn't a browser or a plugin. It is an interpreter. You must give the standalone projector a swf file. The Flash browser plugin is something different and it is dangerous because your browser can be exploited by any random site you visit or an advertisement on that site.

For an analogy, replace flashplayer_32_sa.exe with python.exe. Replace foo_game.swf with Running with python.exe is about the same as running foo_game.swf with flashplayer_32_sa.exe. The game, if partly malicious, can do just as much damage in either format.

For security, exe, py, and swf are all about the same. Each individual file is a separate security choice. Would you also suggest that people only use a burner PC to play games in exe format?

Comment Re:BitTorrent for the win (Score 1) 132

ISO-from-BitTorrent is a Microsoft problem that will eventually fix itself with no effort from Microsoft. Microsoft posts SHA1 checksums for their ISO files but the status of SHA1 is, "will be cracked any day now." After SHA1 is cracked, there there can be no more guaranteed-clean downloads anywhere except from Microsoft itself or other official sources.

Comment Re:Let's make a comparison... (Score 1) 39

But what if HP paid you to point customers to their printers anytime someone asked about Mutoh printers?

This isn't a problem if ads and search results are separate. The ads come from money. You already know this. The search results /should/ be the output of the neutral search engine algorithm. So, there is no problem until the search results are purposely skewed by advertising dollars.

Comment Big target. Make it smaller. (Score 1) 835

You didn't mention the event logs. Did you check them? Throw any error messages at a search engine if you don't understand them.

Does the hard drive sound good? If you have a mechancial drive and you almost never hear the heads seek, you arean't close enough to diagnose. I've had to press my ear against a laptop before knowing the drive sounded bad. There should be no rhythmic "click-shuffle-click-pause-reapeat" sound. The bad hard drive sound is hard to describe but a repetitive pattern is a key ingredient.

Are there symptoms in safe mode? If no, the culprit isn't running in safe mode and finding it with brute force at this point isn't as bad as you may think. E.g. disable the startup section in msconfig and reboot. If the problem is gone then the problem is in the startup section. Otherwise, the problem is NOT in startup section and most likely in services. Either way you've just eliminated a large chunk of possibilities. If the problem looks like it is in startup, disable half of the startup items... get the idea? Everybody loves the binary search algorithm, right?

Comment Keep usage pattern in mind when choosing (Score 1) 223

Let's say your typical uses are web forms, reading/composing emails or documents, and not turning the computer off until the end of the day. You want a PSU that is effient when idle. You may even want the one TFA says is too expensive because that one has the best efficiency at low power draw. On the other hand, the PSUs which are efficient during load are great if you tax the computer for some significant part of the uptime. The PSU review is great but I don't know why the conclusion didn't include a blurb like this.

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