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User Journal

Journal Journal: Economic Pressure Squeezes Open Source

c|net is running an informative article about the troubles businesses based on open-source software face in these slow economic times. What does this mean for the bellwether open-source companies, and their support of the open source community? Are they able to survive in a more realisitic economic environment, or were they only feasible in the heady dotcom era?
It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Rejected submission: BOFH Video Series

Almost anyone who's worked with clueless users will double over laughing at this: a live-action, Internet-only video series called "Salmon Days", starring the Bastard Operator from Hell. Featured are a thrashing of the Microsoft Paperclip, an inter-office porn show, and lots of idiot users getting their comeuppance. You have to call a phone number and pay a small fee to gain access to the full episodes, but just the trailer is hilarious, and the profits go to charity.

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