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Comment Re: Fake News (Score 1) 466

While I agree banning Trump would backfire, just imagine someone as unstable as him having all that time until elections to stew and fume - if he's as intent on being as he is he will undo himself relatively quickly and consume even more of his time trying to get heard. I'm usually of the sense that allowing politicians to be seen to be moronic is the best bet but firstly it's Twitter which is generally a cess pool anyway and secondly he has immediate access to so many people that aren't going to be swayed anyway. If he is made desperate and has to find an alternative there's more chance of his fans having to endure challenges to their mindset

Comment Recycling (Score 1) 102

That's the great thing about metals and skilled hands familiar with the tech recycling it or breaking it down- it will become something better or more useful. You can tell from their statement they've already considered all the people playing dumb to have a dig at them. Old heavy bikes needing prerequisite knowledge to maintain anyway, plus some battery tech accessible to a handy chap with sharp metal tools... yerrrp crush em up

Comment Re: Feeling lame (Score 1) 251

Indeed true, I am currently hiding in a shed. A lot of people require a lot of patience and understanding, for instance I can IT support the most tech illiterate folk by phone for hours and not sigh or otherwise put them off. What worries me a lot is the effect of social media on people in general, but particularly what I've seen it do to people with various mental health issues. Just personally I've seen those closest to me lose themselves in something most of us were better prepared for mentally and the increased usage encourages it further.

Comment Feeling lame (Score 1) 251

I'm very much used to being the helper and going the extra mile for people, but this lockdown has caused my partner with Borderline to repeatedly hit me and become abusive. This has included calling the police on me while I'm asleep to accuse me over being violent - usually the police would take her mental health concerns in to consideration but this time I got escorted away from my own home. This caused me to rely on others and as I needed to stay with other people I had to quarantine away from home and without any of my work kit, not even my laptop. Now I'm finally back and in typical borderline fashion they are very sorry yet still locking me out overnight when I go out to the shed, because of some imagined disagreement. So yes this is extremely difficult mainly from having to have help from others. I'm sure many people living with mental health issues are having an awful time. At the very least I'm a month behind, quite possibly heading for bankruptcy, and thanks to society and being a male I will have to shoulder the blame and consequences of it all myself. If you're also struggling knowing how to help others just learn to listen properly - when checking up on friends by messaging them just accept their experience to be how they feel it is. Restore some humanity for someone by letting them feel understood.

Comment Pinball & rhythm games (Score 1) 110

Any games that involve DIY hardware and scrap pieces - a bag of arcade buttons and a healthy collection of parts I've made a virtual pinball table, mini pop'n music controller, some 4 button for stepmania, a retropi bar top cab with an iBook screen. All appealing with enough variety and some physical problem solving to keep away the madness of boredom.

Comment Re: Pointless (Score 1) 99

Traceable but that needn't mean as identifiable as say a credit card. It's only when trying to cash out or otherwise connect your wallets with a real entity that it's really an issue. A large pool of wallets set for specific users is a robust part of opsec, requiring an interfering party to infer information a different way to gather the addresses to track, block etc. No one need know it's you or what you're up to, they just know that a transaction happened

Comment Re: So time to buy or what? (Score 1) 99

Likely buy but I am not your financial advisor - every time I think surely sense will hit everyone with a huge loss there's been huge gains. I'm not greedy though and only gamble with crypto change left over from server rentals. I'd like to say never take that risk on bullshit number magic that could just go to shit in minutes but I've been wrong so far. At a guess you may gain more by waiting it out a bit yet, currently cheaper by 5% per hour.

Comment Huh? (Score 1) 377

If no one knows who you are you can be anything at all, which is the beauty of this that attracted me early on. Is it slut shaming or body shaming or any of these other phrases I'm not clued up on to suggest exposing your real identity has obvious hazards? Am I just an old man that makes my view akin to blaming a victim for a short skirt IRL? I get harassment is bad, everyone does? Is he saying women are idiots? I'm very happy that it has been so easy to walk away from pseudonyms used in the 90s.

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