The sticking point is now funding. After all a budget shutdown! Private companies won't get their bills paid either and many private companies will go bankrupt if it lasts too long.
IMHO it's not about the "Mexico Wall" that Trump insisted on, because Democrats & Republicans offered him that. Between his positive attitude and the latest flip, more details of the hooker-hush-money thing appeared. He's selfish, its about him, it's always about him, and he see this alll over the press and a shutdown is the way to kick it off the front page.
It's more about the Stormy Daniels payoff. I think the details of the payoff are confirmed now, even the Delaware company Trump used to launder the payment is known. She is a hooker/porn star and they don't give freebies, she sell sex and he will have paid for it. Prostitution is a crime, he doesn't want anyone paying too much detail to that, or remembering that he was on the high class hookers customers list.
He was married to Melania at the time. So at best Melania will be humiliated, (well more than she is now), and would leave, and at worst he's committed a bunch of anti-prostitution crimes. Either way, 'shutdown' doesn't directly affect him, as to NASA, do you think for a second he pays the slighest millisecond of thought to that? The military goes unfunded too, if he doesn't pay attention to the military do you think he cares about civilian or science based government?
But right on with BeauHD. He is a FUD'rucker.