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Journal Journal: So where does the (china made) lead go?

With all of the recent recalls of China made lead toys, I'm curious, where do those toys go? Who disposes of them, where, and what happens to the lead contained in those toys? Do the US toy companies who imported these products pay any damages, fines, or lead poisoning screening for kids that might have chewed on such toys? Recently the TOPPS Meat Company in NJ filed for bankruptcy after millions of pounds of hamburger beef was recalled for E. coli contamination, how come toy companies aren't filing for bankruptcy after millions and millions of toys are recalled for lead contamination? Aside from asking the Consumer Product Safety Commission to try harder, is there anything that the average consumer can do ensure their own safety aside from avoid China made toys, which is basically all toys? Do other countries have similar, just less publicized, large incidents such as the toy recall, the pet food recall, the toothpaste recall, etc?

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