Comment "whom we all fondly remember as Spock" (Score 1) 165
It's a weird day when Leonard Nimoy has to be explained on slashdot.
Sounds to me like a good way for no-such-agency to get a mole in a powerful position to install backdoors in a popular line of consumer communication devices.
I don't think this exec. is going to be allowed to check in code to the main repository without anyone reviewing it.
So if your theory is correct, that the NSA wants back doors in iphones, they will need Apple mgmt to go along.
And if Apple mgmt goes along with that (who knows), then what would the NSA need this mole for?
What I'm saying is, your theory doesn't really pass Occam's razor.
Asking open source customers to break the law to use your service isn't exactly friendly to open source.
They aren't asking you to use their service. They've decided that for now, writing a custom application targeting your demographic - people who use Linux exclusively - isn't likely to be profitable for them.
There's nothing in the licenses of the open source projects they are involved with (use / contribute to) that makes this a problem.
Seems to me this is a non-issue. You just wish they would support your OS of choice. I do too. But it's not exactly scandalous that they don't.
Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner