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Comment Re:Simple: Restore from your backup (Score 1) 116

If not then you know thatit was deleted (crashed*) in the first place. Something was in there that should not be touched/uncovered and or made public. But lets stay with the truth. America is fast with features but not safety. The word backup is not from America its something that is despised. Sorry being nonconstructive.

Comment He is.... (Score 2, Interesting) 346

a big liar. I know, being directly involved in an investigation against the German government and a process of censorship across Germany for all posts which are not aligned with German governmental thinking and political correctness that Facebook not just directly collaborates with the German government but also complies with their injustice and unjust requests to censor all posts which the government in Germany doesn't want nor allow. Topics which are censored are majorly involved in uncovering lies above lies in regard to the refugees scheming currently shacking all of Europe and the Muslim thread that it involves. America doesn't have this issue and Facebook does not need to fear peoples prosecution because Facebook cannot be prosecuted in Europe for censoring free speech and truth with a dictatorship that chancellor Merkel currently builds.

Comment Re:Market Forces (Score 1) 231

This drain of jobs will continue until the company itself is sold out and overtaken by other forces. Outsourcing always comes with quality loose. The short term benefit is profit, but not for the employees. The long term effect is quality degradation and distortion of market balance. It will continue until the world becomes to small to outsource. The country/states have the power to change that but they don't as lobby does it ob well.

Comment Surprised? (Score 1) 255

If anyone is then he/she may has been either ignorant, sleeping under a rock or simply wasn't paying attention to what fossil fuels do to climate in a short amount of time.

I, again, could be called a demon, as I studied geodesy, climate technologies and environmental change. I can tell now that we are already over the precipice. I call it the "Delaying phase", other scientist may call it differently but basically it describes the effect of nature compensating head by having chemical and physical reactions equalizing cold and warm to an equilibrium which will stay stable for one or two centuries. That's we are in now, cold water and ice compensate most of the warmth produced by this planet due to CO2 intake in atmosphere. The problem comes after, once water reaches a certain temperature and ice is melted and gone, the surface will be bare. After that, well I could write a scientific paper about it but its not getting published nor being read by the right persons thus I ll skip it (giving my regards to all who did already). Hell there is also the issue with the magnetic field but how Mark Watney says: " One problem at a time. "

Comment Re:Is that even worthwhile? (Score 2) 113

Actually it is in more ways than the one shown in the little funny comic of the other poster.

It is not worthwhile if you only go out of the house to refuel your car for half or quarter of a tank and only do a drive for that. Thats stupid.

It IS worthwhile once you do travels which you do for other purposes than refueling your car.

My easiest example is Los Angeles. I checked with GasBuddy and saw that at the end of the 10 mile through the city which I had to drive to get to my surfing beach I could save 50 cents per Galon and my tank was in the 'Last 20 miles Area'. So i went there and didn't visit the gas station right around the corner. I saved 12 $ of which I spent 4 $ at the beach later and had actually 8 $ more for food and drinks.

Even better example is a road trip. Since you can estimate how far you get with your car and remaining fuel you can check ahead and see where you will refuel instead of taking the next best station because you fear to not make it to the next city or its maybe not worth it. My highest savings in this case was a saturdays trip from LA to SF and instead of going for 3.89 $ in the north of LA for Premium, I saved 80 cents per Galon and went for 3.09 in the orange valley. 20 Galons sums up to 16 $ and it was on the way anyway.

Comment Honestly... (Score 1) 652

you don't need a PhD to know this. Its common sense. The equation is very simple and doesn't need calculation. First you ask yourself, how much energy does it take to create renewable source X for energy production. How much energy is required to keep this source X going for Y years... and without knowing what X and Y is you can answer : YES it will not work. Now I don't contribute to up to this point to the question that has arisen. "How to tackle our current overkill of the planet?"

My answer and it may be radical, delusional and fantastic but: "Stop fooling around, go to "google" or "Apple" and tell them that the easiest way to world domination or a dystopia of an apple or a google... is to design, create and build alots of fusion or plasma reactors... meaning "find the solution for infinite energy" for todays needs and you will rule the world. Trust me, they will listen and they are the only ones willing to invest and got the guts to invest, including having the funds to invest in such ridiculous ideas.
How? With what kind of source? or whatever else is needed to release this idea doesn't matter here. What matters is time and we don't have it to dwadle around and discuss about problems. We have to tackle them.

My contacts are saved in slashdot. Contact me if you need me to solve this issue, all I require is your funds. :)

Comment Teaching is not the same... (Score 1) 232

everyhwhere. Sorry but i was taught that the earth-axis shifts (depending on many things, not only melting ice-cream) and that as early as the 5th grade. Thank you germany for being good to my knowledge...I feel sorry for nowadays pupils though since their teachings have degraded to a level at which it is are compareable with the authors. So rise up! and fight for your knowledge!

Comment Why... (Score 1) 302

does this article not cover the other site of the apple.

While we have sea lvls on the rise we also have this:

Now lets be some proper physicists and analyse it correctly. We have sea lvls rising and also we have ice lvls rising in the antartic... this means... yes that the water lvl is rising faster in antartic than anywhere else. But why? Not hard to explain. The earths outer shell is elasto-viscous which means it reacts time-delayed on outer increase or decrease of pressure. Exerted by water (ice) or land. Since the ice lvl is rising on the antartic continent it also pressures the plates down, additionally the sea lvl is rising. At the end of the day we have a higher sea lvl rise in antartic since two effects exerted over a long period of time add up. On the other hand we ll see far more secondary and tertiary effects...

I love sience.

Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 1) 529

Actually. As hard as this sounds. "As you sow, so you shall reap." The USA as a forerunner of free market and corrupt and greedy company management gets what it deserves. Detroit and many other big cities were the beginning... but not of the End! of the Beginning of the End.

You as americans have a choice and a vote, each 2-4 years. You can either do something or you don't want to. The spiral and time is working against you.

I do not deny it, we in europe got the same problems but the tides are turning and unrest takes root. We all can feel whats coming. I hope its not the worst case scenario.

Let's sum it up ironically "The winter is coming." What side of the wall are you?

Comment In a different context (Score 4, Interesting) 341

This perfectly covers the need of police and secret agencies for a simple "switch off method" for mobil phones and devices in particular areas of interest in which officials, independant of reason, want to shut down public spread of information at all cost. Censorship at its best, Orwell would have jumped of joy ^^.

The device list for such a maneuver is easily obtained through the telecommunication companies which already give free acess to NSA & Co.

Spawning from riots which have to be covered up.
To civilian killings + shut down of areas.
Etcetc ... you can all count. If you want information to leave an area in which you are active, just switch off any device thats not yours. (Good I still can make photos with my analog camera).

The idea is good but the use for others is terrifying.

Comment Re:Where is the opinion survey ? (Score 1) 2219

Actually I can stop myself from complaining about the survey. For instance...


2. There is a link in the footer that allows you to go back to classic Slashdot site. Were you able to discover that link?
Yes - I was able to find the "Slashdot Classic" link
No - I was not able to find the "Slashdot Classic" link

I expected in slashdot style the following:

2. We tried to hide a link in the footer that allows you to go back to classic Slashdot site. Were you able to discover that link?

Yes - I was able to find the "Slashdot Classic" link easy peasy.
Probably - I came, saw and .... left the page before I had a chance to click that link but I am sure I saw something that looked like it.
Maybe - I would have found it if I'd scrolled down that far...
Sometimes - I noticed that the link is hidden by a time-delayed-subroom-quantum-singularity-algorithm and calculated in front at what time I should enter the beta page to see it... thus I found it at the calculated timeframe and could go back to the old page on which I already dwelled over my other firefox tab.
No - Because I didn't look for it...

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