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User Journal

Journal Journal: My Journal

Folks, I just find it too much of a PITA to maintain a dozen accounts everywhere. You are welcome to check out my website:

I have a section for "The Book of Sean", my brain dump onto the web. I also have photos from my various nerdy projects.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tips for Xterminals

Little tweaks required for getting an xterminal to really work well.
  • Designate a master in the /etc/hosts file
  • Create an xterm init script that basically calls: X -query master
  • Strip down runlevel 4. (Including xfs)
  • Add xterm to runlevel 4.
  • Tweak the /etc/X11/XF86Config file. Change FontPath to FontPath="tcp/master:7100"

On the server, tweak /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf (next journal entry.)

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