Journal Journal: Since when doesn't /. look like ass?! 1
Just another sign that the world is about to end, I guess.
Just another sign that the world is about to end, I guess.
Ah December... busy busy month, and a great way to make sure the year ends with undue stress.
Good times, good times.
Its 4fucking30 AM, and I can't sleep. What a pain in the ass. This week sucked, including the finale of trying to pick up our new kitten and discovering it has some odd hairloss scratch thing happening on his forehead. Same with his littermate in the same little kitten 'cell'. WTF.
Closest airchair diagnosis is ringworm, a pretty shitty thing to happen to a cat, person, or random monkey. This means we may not get our kitten. Following that was some understandable grumpiness, but apparently my negative reaction to having the only reason I managed to convince myself to wake up and make it to the weekend for was overboard, causing fiancee to shun me in the grocery store. I should have just dropped the stuff I was carrying and walked off to the river, Virginia Woolf-style.
Good times, good times.
Aren't you glad I decided to share that?
The problem with a few
Heheh... fuck you guys for not being able to take a joke, when something is funny I mod it up as Funny. Li'l cry babies need to suck it up.
So I got this in my email today, and I'm not sure why I got picked to receive it.
A woman was asked by a co-worker, "What is it like to be a Christian?" The co-worker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin. God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then he cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc., and then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."
So in other words, being a Christian is like having your brains scooped out, having your free will and thoughts stripped away, and being filled with "light"? No ideas, just light?
This has to be the least inspiring thing I've ever seen. I'd rather be an individual capable of hate and greed than a mindless drone with no thoughts of my own.
I want a "Badmonkey" topic, or a "Picking Fights With Other Slashdotters When They Post Stupid Comments" topic. What the fuck.
I'm being censored.
Tha Man, always keeping an alien down.
Well I'll be a monkey's ass... I have a journal. Lookit that. Here I am, farting around
I bet I'm the only person who ever sees this. Wacky. Ultrawacky.
There are three kinds of people: men, women, and unix.