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Re:Should have stayed old school  *Thursday May 16, 2019 @01:18PM  3
   attached to LED Light Can Damage Eyes, Health Authority Warns
Google announces new Micro USB-C connector  *Thursday August 30, 2018 @05:22PM  2
   attached to Google's $50 Titan Security Keys Are Now Available in the US
Don't blame the FCC  *Tuesday November 29, 2016 @04:48PM  2
   attached to 'DroneGun' Can Take Down Aircraft From Over 1.2 Miles Away
Not all Li batteries are prone to thermal runaway  *Monday October 17, 2016 @07:30AM 1 2
   attached to More Lithium Battery Product Recalls Predicted
Japan tried that in the 1980s  *Friday March 18, 2016 @10:06PM 1 2
   attached to South Korea Commits $863 Million To AI Research After AlphaGo 'Shock'
It's so simple!  *Tuesday February 17, 2015 @08:46PM 1 2
   attached to Obama Says He's 'A Strong Believer In Strong Encryption'
TSX fixed?  *Tuesday January 06, 2015 @04:28AM 1 2
   attached to Intel Unveils 5th Gen Core Series Broadwell-U CPUs and Cherry Trail Atom
machines that exhibit the agency and awareness  *Sunday November 23, 2014 @08:28PM 1 4, Informative
   attached to Alva Noe: Don't Worry About the Singularity, We Can't Even Copy an Amoeba
Re:True inventor of blue LED not awarded Nobel eit  *Thursday October 09, 2014 @03:33PM  2
True inventor of blue LED not awarded Nobel either  *Thursday October 09, 2014 @02:40PM 1 2
   attached to No Nobel For Nick Holonyak Jr, Father of the LED
Re:Pricing?  *Tuesday September 09, 2014 @11:29PM  2
Re:x86?  *Tuesday September 09, 2014 @04:13PM 1 2
Re:Pricing?  *Tuesday September 09, 2014 @04:10PM 1 4, Interesting
   attached to Intel Releases SD-Card-Sized PC, Unveils Next 14nm Chip
business model  *Thursday August 28, 2014 @03:57PM 1 3
   attached to State of the GitHub: Chris Kelly Does the Numbers
Re:VMS user interface is utterly obsolete  *Thursday July 31, 2014 @05:47PM 2 5, Informative
   attached to HP Gives OpenVMS New Life and Path To X86 Port
Better put in an "inhbitor chip"!  *Wednesday July 09, 2014 @02:37PM  2
   attached to A Brain Implant For Synthetic Memory
That statistic can't possibly be valid  *Tuesday July 01, 2014 @06:39PM 3 5, Insightful
   attached to 30% of Americans Aren't Ready For the Next Generation of Technology
Re:IPv6 Addresses  *Thursday June 12, 2014 @03:01AM 1 2
   attached to When will large-scale IPv6 deployment happen?
Re:Is this still a good OS for desktop?  *Tuesday June 10, 2014 @04:44PM 1 2
   attached to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Released
If I were a Professor at Emory...  *Sunday May 18, 2014 @02:40AM  2
   attached to Emory University SCCM Server Accidentally Reformats All Computers Campus-wide
They're not adding "fast lanes"  *Friday May 02, 2014 @06:20PM  2
   attached to How 'Fast Lanes' Will Change the Internet
Re:Closed source won here  *Tuesday April 15, 2014 @05:57PM 1 2
Re:Honestly, the "OSS is safe" discussion is over.  *Tuesday April 15, 2014 @05:53PM  2
safe languages  *Tuesday April 15, 2014 @05:48PM  2
   attached to How Does Heartbleed Alter the 'Open Source Is Safer' Discussion?

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