It didn't send it to them because Apple wasn't integrating GCC's code parser within Xcode. That's the point of what he's trying to say; Apple couldn't do so under GCC without having to potentially open up part of or all of the source code for Xcode, since the GPL requires that any GPL source integrated into another product requires that product to also comply with the GPL. LLVM's BSD license is much more permissive, so they switched away, so they could then implement their intellisense feature. He's saying if they had tried to implement the intellisense feature, then they would be in violation of the GPL.
Although honestly, I think the technical reasons far outshadowed the legal ones. GCC is a massive and quite complex project, and it was intentionally designed to be very monolithic and hard to isolate, because RMS feared it would become a component in proprietary systems like what Apple is trying to do here. LLVM's creators had no such qualms and designed their product to be modular from the get go, so Apple could easily repurpose their existing code parser and integrate it into Xcode. In this case, the effort to switch to LLVM was less then hacking and then having to maintain a fork of GCC - to say nothing of the fact that LLVM is, in some ways, an objectively better compiler then GCC is.
This needs to be modded up. I have to laugh at the irony, 2 years ago people were complaining that Firefox's interface was too Chrome based and inefficient, and then they changed back to their old squarish design, and now Chrome is moving from the angular to a curvy look. Maybe Chrome thought their tabs look too similiar to Firefox's now
and it WORKS.
Uh. Noooooo. Hmm, why is this fuzzy patch on the screen? Better run auto-adjust. Oh great, now it's cleared up- wait, there's another one over here. Hmm, better run again- oh shit, now half the screen's cut off. Manually reposition, great, now it works- oh WTF, the colors are messed up. VGA is an incredibly finicky protocol that is literally entirely dependent on the auto-adjust's heuristics in the arbitrary monitor if you don't want to spend 20 minutes messing with the settings menu (and you still won't fix that mysterious blurry patch). If you don't like the DRM or onboard audio of HDMI, then you should use DVI or perhaps DisplayPort (not sure if it has its own DRM), but not VGA. VGA is a godawful standard and one of the cases where the replacement really is a much better choice.
As you may know, a year ago, scientists discovered an incredible event, a miracle really; the very first ever observed gravity waves! Produced by the incredible force of two neutron stars colliding, the collision is theorized to have produced a black hole, sucking everything nearby them into a deep spiraling abyss of mind bending complexity that has yet to be understood by any human.
Well ladies and gentleman, I am here to tell you that report was in error. Scientists have now confirmed it was merely the collision of emacs and systemd.
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson