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Journal Journal: Ella the Cat 3

Ella the Cat died today aged 17.5 or about 86 in cat years, but at least she went quickly in someone's arms of natural causes rather than having to be put to sleep. So I won't be posting here anymore using her account, which, I'm pleased to say, I got to excellent karma without cheating. The website will be going soon, so if you want any Aibo pictures, grab them while you can.

I wouldn't presume to share my cat's politics, but the following helps (given that things aren't exactly coming up roses elsewhere in my life) ...

"I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression, and violence and enjoy it to the full."

"... But whatever may be the circumstances of my death I shall die with unshaken faith in the communist future. This faith in man and in his future gives me even now such power of resistance as cannot be given by any religion."

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