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Submission + - Facebook says it owns "book." ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: The Chicago Tribune is reporting that Facebook has sued a tiny start-up called over the use of “book” in its name. The start-up, which has two employees, aims to provide tools for teachers to manage their classrooms and share lesson plans and other resources. “Effectively they’re bombing a mosquito here, and we’re not sure why they want to do that,” co-director Greg Shrader told the Tribune. Facebook said its use of “book” in its name is “highly distinctive in the context of online communities and networking websites.” Facebook apparently is alleging that no other online “network of people” can use the word “book” in its name without violating its trademark. Book 'em, Marko.

Submission + - USB 3.0: Everything You Need to Know

Esther Schindler writes: "After a lengthy gestation period, the third generation of the Universal Serial Bus is making its way to the market. USB 3.0, also known as SuperSpeed USB, has throughput of up to 5 gigabits per second. That's even faster than the 3Gb/sec of SATA hard drives and 1Gb/sec. of high-end networking in the home, and USB 3.0: Everything You Need to Know goes into plenty of the techie details. But is it already obsolete — will LightPeak make USB 3.0 irrelevant?"

Comment Cost does not mean quality (Score 4, Insightful) 367

When I was going to high school in the late 90s and early 00s, I was one of the first classes to use the $80 million dollar "palace" of a high school that the local government built for the students. However, during my four years in high school, it became pretty apparent pretty quickly that just because it cost $80 million dollars to build doesn't necessarily mean it's worth $80 million dollars. As the result of no-compete bids and cronyism between the contractors and local government, by the end of my 4th year, the whole place was starting to fall apart and it was only about 6 years old at this point. I think one of the students literally managed to kick or hit the dedication stone into the wall.

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