Comment Dear leader is now dead leader (Score 1) 518
Rather talk about Vaclav Havel if we're talking about recent passing of leaders.
Rather talk about Vaclav Havel if we're talking about recent passing of leaders.
ask them if they like "balut".
I'm betting their computers are like their tv's.. a cardboard box with the glorious leader's picture on it.
.. to welcome our new alien overlords.
I'd guess a few thousand years of bug fixing got us to the point where you mention us "fixing" it. Bring in convenience as a factor as well.
A group of fans went to one of the band's shows
So this is exactly like the making of Bon Jovi's video for _Bad Medicine_, then?
Bon Jovi didn't do it for a whole concert then give it away for free.
I think he's aware that it'll be out on the net for downloading before he got wind of what the label was doing anyway. I don't think it'll bother him that much.
What, there are episodes of the 11th doctor already being manhandled by his female assistant(s)?
Sheesh, let the episodes show up so you can see them, then make a judgement after that.
Welcome to "Gallifrey 90210"
What, Shannen Doherty caused the destruction of a whole race too? Nice.
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. -- Aldous Huxley