Comment Re:Drugs and tech are no strangers... (Score 1) 183
Have you tried Melatonin?
Have you tried Melatonin?
This not the problem you think it is.
Civilization can only be maintained when the populace has a high enough IQ to be trustworthy and competent. Jackson doesn't have that anymore. It's a case of demographic change from civilization makers to civilization despoilers. Like Detroit.
Only a tone-deaf idiot would send innocent children to a public school in Jackson. They'd come home with concussions and stab wounds, if not in a body-bag. White flight exists because of black violence.
This is not a generational problem, but a demographic problem.
Jackson is 82% black. There are no republicans in charge of anything in that city.
Why would you?
SuperKendall apparently hasn't heard about 'Head Start', which is exactly what he claims we need to do to fix the problem. "The ONLY way to address this".
Head Start was created in 1965, and it hasn't done a single fucking thing to address this. The government knows that it doesn't work, and has known it for decades, but still persists in pouring good money after bad down a bottomless rathole.
It doesn't work because the problem is biological, and you can't fix it with education. You can't make people who were born to be stupid smarter. You can't even speak about the true problem, because you are facing in the wrong direction, claiming that racism is holding back people with a mean IQ of 85. That's just a couple of points away from being retarded, by the way. You probably don't even believe in Intelligence or testing it, so you will never, ever, even come close to what the real problem is, much less how to approach fixing it.
It's a shame Texas doesn't have a reliable source of fuel to make onsite generation possible.
I'm not a tech-wizard - Seriously, what would it take to target these guys, send in officers and snag them? Sooner or later there's going to be deaths attributable to this behavior, so we clearly need to make examples of a few antisocial jerks to discourage it.
It's also laughably easy to spot an arrogant, know-it-all prick when he opens his mouth.
And they can't do that if you are hiding things from them, whether they are true or not. They have to come to the truth the hard way. You are not a trustworthy source of truth if you don't trust them with ugly facts.
I believed what I was told as a child. I believed for decades that people were all the same. Then I lived in the real world, and people showed me what they were really like, and that the fantasies fed to me by mass media were comforting lies. They hid things from me, like crime statistics, and pictures of slums, and cities that had be ruined by incompetence and stubborn, denialist stupidity.
They hid test statistics that had been consistent for over a century, things that Jensen and Lynne and Rushton were loudly declared racists for studying. But the real world reveals itself, and the truth is consistent with what they want hidden.
If they told us the truth, we wouldn't have to go through this painful cycle, over and over again, where we learn that you can't make people smart by throwing trillions of dollars at education, and you can't make congenital criminals behave themselves by taking away punishment.
American has thrown trillions down this rat-hole since 1965. You can't create an educated individual out of someone who has a genetically low cognitive capacity, no matter how much money you waste on their education, no matter how much you tutor and drill, no matter how much time you spend hand-holding them and wiping their butts for them. They will never be suited for more than menial labor. Still, the education system is polluted with as much stupidity as the brainless morons they are trying to uplift in place of actually capable students. Keep trying to make the tail wag the dog, though.
Movies cost too much to go to, and we run the risk of having a wokeness bomb tossed in our laps without warning. That woman-only Ghostbusters movie, and the last three Star Wars debacles were a warning, and everyone got the message: We're gonna batter you to death with misandry, feminism, racial awareness, racial inclusion, anti-whiteness, and coming soon, lots of lovely homosexual and transexual bullshit. Hope you like your entertainment administered anally.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen