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Comment Re:Is there a useful alternative? (Score 1) 141

Yes! Drop support for RedHat!

RedHat has become the Windows of Linux. It's a mess. I have recently had an opportunity to create an installer for an Open Source project, and I got it to run on several different distributions, so I worked with RedHat and several others. Call me old school, and some may argue otherwise, but RedHat installs packages in a single directory. Logs, Config files everything in the package directory. Sure you can move a package easily, but you cannot manage your system! Logs fill up '/usr'; config files are hard to find. It's like a Windows system with everything in system32! What's next? the 'hosts' file in '/usr/RedHat/drivers/etc'? RPMs are sometimes hard to find, or not available... The UI is ugly and outdated. The argument used to be that RedHat was the most stable distribution, and the one to use for serious production use. It's just nonsense. I installed Debian for the first time in over a decade. I had used Ubuntu, and Mint, and thought Debian was this system one uses to compile your own kernel and as a base for modern distributions. It was a DREAM! Stable! every package was available. The installer was first rate! config files live in '/etc', logs in '/var/log'.

RedHat belongs in the archives of Linux past.

Comment Ummm.. No. (Score 1) 218

I am almost 70. I have been writing software since I was 20 years old. In school, Math was my strongest subject. After sitting in a chair for for 50 years with a calculator one mouse click away for most of that time, I find it hard to figure out the tip in a restaurant! Skills you don't use, you lose, and in the 80's and 90's, I would click on the calculator when the math was complex... By now I click on the calculator to add two integers!

It's not just math. My brother in law lives in England and he's a driver. Watches racing and drives a Tesla Plaid ... way too fast ... everywhere he goes. He now uses the GPS to go to the grocery store!

Programming increases analytic skills, but it doesn't necessarily improve one's math skills, and I suspect destroys them eventually.

Comment Re:lol Windows Registry (Score 1) 209

Maybe others will disagree with me, but I don't think Windows Registry was necessarily a bad idea. It is fine as a more intelligent replacement for 'config.sys'. Sadly, then everyone in the world... including Microsoft themselves decided to handle all configuration in the registry. Config.sys has dependencies, and it was a pain to make sure that the driver for the trackpad was loaded after the driver for the mouse, so having a relational database was not a bad idea. The Registry should be the worlds smallest database, and should ONLY contain system kernel configuration information. ...It could be argued, and I might accept that a handful of system level data outside the kernel like service dependencies could be stored there, but it ends there.

WHY IN THE WORLD did everyone abandon configuration files and move stuff like user preferences into a database?!!!

It doesn't really matter much to me because Microsoft became irrelevant when they used the universal escape character as the directory separator, then brought in David Cutler who said resources shouldn't belong to users, users should belong to resources. Microsofts products are, and always have been complete garbage in my opinion. The only thing worse then Windows is Office!

Comment Re:Planned obsolescence (Score 1) 121

I had a similar problem. After upgrading and updating and upgrading, my computer was so slow! I wiped it and installed fresh.. Didn't restore from Time Machine, but installed apps fresh. It was a HUGE pain, but now my machine is a fast as when it was new!

Unlike Windows which is notorious for Winrot, Mac is much better, but still... after a ton of updating it over years...

Comment Evening News (Score 1) 243

The chair of the Rust Foundation released a study today indicating that programming in compiled languages is more efficient that programming in interpreted languages. In other news, the VP of Marketing for Nestle' Waters released a study indicating that drinking water is better for the body than drinking bleach... Details at 11.

Comment Re:Fireeye says check these things... Hummm (Score 2) 23

"Ensure that SolarWinds servers are isolated / contained until a further review and investigation is conducted."

SolarWinds is Network Management software. This renders the software entirely useless!

Sorry for the plug, but you could always contact CirrusPoint Solutions https://cirruspoint.com if you would like to use REAL Network Management software that doesn't have 'Improvement' software built in that sends your 'usage data' back to the mother ship allowing hackers a vehicle to hide their malware, and doesn't run on Windows, which is a security nightmare in the first place. :-)

Comment Re:waaah waaah (Score 1) 269

This guy is spot on! Google's user stuff, Gmail, and Google Docs are tolerable, but services used by businesses and developers is a complete mess. You can't find ANYTHING EVER! It takes 20 minutes to find the right page. They have all these services behind the same credentials, but there are dozens of services scattered all over the place, and there is almost no way to get from one to the other. I almost always have to use Google search to find the right page, because you can't click on anything in the huge google list of services and navigate to where you want to be. I always end up with 5 pages open that don't have what I am looking for before I find the right page.

I think all the people disagreeing with this guy don't use the business and development stuff. How many hits did Google Maps get this month? How to I enable a new developer to my project? It's all scattered all over the place.

Comment Re:Intel only has themselves to blame (Score 2) 207

What a racist point of view! While I agree that they were arrogant, blaming it on some $300 million investment in cleaning up their good-ole-boy network is absurd. Companies the size of Intel spend more than $300 million on Christmas advertising. Intel indeed have only themselves to blame, but not because they decided diversity was a thing. It almost certainly was incompetent upper management, but not because of where the management was born. I have been dealing with enterprise corporations all my life, and incompetence at the top is often the norm. Look at GM where the CEO only wanted to see Powerpoint Presentations of fewer than 5 slides, or EMC who thought they could charge millions for hard drives, and corporations wouldn't notice that they had become commodities. What makes companies like Apple and Tesla so successful is people like Jobs and Musk, and it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. They may not be towering examples of humanity, but they know how to do more than play golf. Tim Cook is no Steve Jobs, but he inherited a company with the right corporate culture, and has managed to not destroy it completely, so I have more faith in Apple than Intel.

Comment Re:Another year of Linux Desktop? (Score 4, Interesting) 214

An interesting note. My niece had a Windows laptop. It was a mess, wouldn't stay up. a horrific case of "Winrot". She came to me crying saying she had homework to do, and she couldn't do it. She couldn't afford a new system... What to do? I put Mint Cinnamon on her laptop. She LOVED IT! The others at school teased her a bit, and told her she needed to buy a new computer. She told them they could have that laptop when they could pry it out of her cold dead hands! She said, this is the first computer I have ever used that had no issues at all. It just worked. It was acceptably fast, the software was functional and not confusing with features she never used. LibreOffice was as easy to use as Office, and the teachers had no issues with the files it produced. She saved her money for the day her laptop finally died, and used it until she graduated, after which she had the money to buy a MacBook Pro. She hates Windows as much as I do, and swears if Apple ever gets in her way, she will install Mint again.

I think the Linux community missed an opportunity when M$ tried to turn Windows into a tablet system. If they had given the world a desktop like Cinnamon, people would have looked at it. Instead, they followed M$ down the rabbit hole and created Unity and other similar odd, limited functionality desktops. People looked at Unity and it was worse than Windows.

The 'gurus' keep trying to dumb down the system to appeal to 'normal' people. My 85 year old father used Windows just fine until Windows 8, with it's simplified super user friendly interface... He bought a Mac.

Comment Re:These are some hefty claims (Score 1) 155

Even Microsoft??? Microsoft can't release a patch without screwing something up! Apple already did this once when they went from Motorola to Intel. It wasn't a flawless transition, but they did it successfully. I have far more confidence that Apple can do this than Microsoft. Windows is still a mess after all these years.

Comment Re:Android (Score 1) 27

I used to use Android. Yes it is nice to know you can jail break it, and run anything you wish, but I write software for a living, and ... a bit like the plumber who never fixes the dripping faucet, I kind-of don't want to program my phone... I just want to use it as a tool. We all should remember that there is always someone more clever than us, and if we can break into it, so can the bad guy. The other thing to remember is that Apple is in the business of selling us hardware. Google is in the business of selling our information. It hurts Apples sales if their phones have security issues. It hurts Google's sales if their's don't. Which do you trust?

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