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Submission + - International Monetary Fund Hit By Cyber Attack (

DotNM writes: "CityNews and other media outlets are reporting that the International Monetary Fund has been hit by a "cyber attack". They are withholding most of the details, however, it is known that the World Bank has shut down a "link" between them and the IMF."

Comment Re:Canada too? (Score 1) 245

Yes, this is in effect in Canada too. I have a BMO Bank of Montreal MasterCard and BMO Bank of Montreal debit card, and both are chip and PIN enabled. There's even a website with a bunch of information and FAQs on chip and PIN: Full disclosure: I am a Bank of Montreal employee, but from my understanding, all major Canadian banks will be following suit if they haven't started already.

Comment I think the question is... (Score 5, Insightful) 806

I think the question is if written comments like that should be construed as threats, or more like a journal where you'd just write for yourself. I'm also wondering if there's any other evidence that anyone on campus was targetted. The ban should have been lifted after the full story was found out.

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