Comment No . . . (Score 1) 1006
No, this was the work of a crazy person.
No matter how it ends, Earth shoot first.
Nah, in 20 years when we re-release the footage we'll just use a little cgi magic to clearly show the moon shot first and missed, hitting the cantina wall behind us.
For those not on the know, what are you referring to as Rule 34?
Rule 34: For everything that exists, there is porn of it. Basically GP is calling for blatant mockery of Islam through hardcore pornography. Really mature stuff, that.
Of course, what decade that was totally depends on just HOW old the person commenting is. People never seem to realize that one universal constant - while you're growing up, you watch a bunch of stuff (and listen to a bunch of music), and some of it you think is pretty awesome. Then you get old, and you complain EVERYTHING now sucks. It's been true for decades, if not centuries.
I agree wholeheartedly. I think part of this phenomenon is driven by the fact that people that fall into this behavior are performing a biased comparison. They're comparing all the crap that's current with the cream of the crop from the past. There was just as much crap movies being produced 20 years ago, but we all forgot about those movies, because they were crap!
Wait, you store your actual cash inside a credit account?
The issue is that many banks provide credit-backed (Visa, MC, etc) debit cards that are tied directly to one's checking/savings account. If that number gets lifted then yes, the money is drawn directly from the account in question. Granted, only an idiot would use their debit card in a way that exposes them to fraud like this, but it's not a matter of disputing a pending bill - that money is gone, and does not come back until an investigation is completed. I doubt that Anonymous cares enough to differentiate between the types of cards with which they are performing this stunt and exclude the debit card numbers.
I thought about how stupid people can be and I can say with certainty that 50% are below average.
So can I. That's because that's how averages work, by definition.
If you can reach the source via RDP, than it must be a hacked webserver (SQL injection attack most likely). It takes effort to port-forward 3389. If in fact it's a home network, than I doubt it's a bot. Such activity would normally not go unnoticed by someone that network savvy. Or so, that's been experience.
Or, what I'd suspect is more likely, it's a workstation plugged directly into a broadband modem, thus getting a publicly addressable IP right on the NIC.
'cos he's a piece of shit "anarchist" wanna-be?
Ummm, because he's not an American citizen? One can't be a traitor to a community one is not a member of. But don't let that stop you from being a douche. Carry on.
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.