Comment NY AG (Score 4, Informative) 450
Payola is nothing new. Anyone who is surprised that this is going on was just unaware that the practice has been around as long as radio.
My big question is this ... when is New York state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer running for a bigger office? He seems to have a knack for getting headlines with high profile cases that get everyone all fired up.
From ire/sns-ap-clinton-2006,0,1068438.story?coll=sns-a p-nation-headlines
the poll showed state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer continuing to hold a double-digit lead over the three-term governor in a possible matchup for the 2006 gubernatorial campaign.
My big question is this
the poll showed state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer continuing to hold a double-digit lead over the three-term governor in a possible matchup for the 2006 gubernatorial campaign.