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Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Unusual physics engine game ported to Linux (

christian.einfeldt writes: "Halloween has come early for Linux-loving gamers in the form of the scary Penumbra game trilogy, which has just recently been ported natively to GNU-Linux by the manufacturer, Frictional Games. The Penumbra games, named Overture, Black Plague, and Requiem, respectively, are first person survival horror and physics puzzle games which challenge the player to survive in a mine in Greenland which has been taken over by a monstrous infection/demon/cthulhu-esque thing. The graphics, sounds, and plot are all admirable in a scary sort of way. The protagonist is an ordinary human with no particular powers at all, who fumbles around in the dark mine fighting zombified dogs or fleeing from infected humans. But the game is remarkable for its physics engine — rather than just bump and acquire, the player must use the mouse to physically turn knobs and open doors; and the player can grab and throw pretty much anything in the environment. The physics engine drives objects to fly and fall exactly as one would expect. The porting of a game with such a deft physics engine natively to Linux might be one of the most noteworthy events for GNU-Linux gamers since the 'World of Goo' Linux port."

Comment Re:Because they made it cool (Score 1) 854

We're rare but we do exist. Look at Richard Stallman for a good example, he can do things in front of a public audience that would make other people rather gauge out their eyes. As for the iPod *meh* it's ok I guess but I wouldn't buy one. I wasn't into the whole Walkman craze, nor the rather smaller PCDP period. So why should I be interested in an iPod? all they seem to do is control the minutie of yet another portable deivce just like every other portable device that people are getting sick of using because the features are locked and it hardly feels like you own the damn thing. At least with a PCDP you could hack the hardware and set up a data line but from what I've seen you can't even get into the iPod chases; my guess is there just applying the same logic to the software now.

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