Comment No Offense to the "Handi-Capable", but... (Score 0) 663
I'm not uncompassionate to the misfortunes of others, in fact the town I live is a leader-blind city, they train the dogs here, they have installed beeping/talking crosswalks, etc.
Very nice! But at some point we have to just say sorry, this just wasn't designed for you! Web applications (whether flash based, web 2.0/AJAX, etc.) in particular are designed to provide feature-rich, VISUAL interaction. These tools are created mostly to increase productivity, simplicity, and hopefully more intuitive interfaces.
Frankly, we have bigger fish to fry... and its simply not feasible/economical or in some cases even technologically possible to ask the web developer to build accessibility in to a web-based application.
Informational websites, on the other hand have come a long way... most screen readers don't have a problem with these types of sites. Not to mention rss feeds etc, which I'm sure the blind have a high appreciation for.
So while there is some progress on this front, I just don't see how its ever going to be fixed. One day, the technology will be there to supplement vision, so there is that. Until then, it seems like tunnel-vision (excuse the pun) to expect any law or enforcement mechanism (unlikely) to fix the problem.