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Comment UO, EQ, WoW and now (Score 1) 75

UO was the best mmorpg until EQ came out. EQ was the best mmorpg until WoW came out. WoW has been the best mmorpg ever since. Even though I never played it I know that SWTOR also received much love and is right up there with these 3. We won't see a mmorpg to beat WoW until someone launches an MMORPG on the VR platform. This is especially true for anyone that played some combination of the aforementioned 4 MMORPGs. The nostalgia of each of these games in their time will never be beaten by another MMORPG on the desktop platform - only with new technology will these legends be overcome and a new king take the throne.

Comment People who have daily patterns (Score 1) 187

A large parcentage of the population follows the same pattern day in and day out. Amazon already has a service available for such a demographic, it's called their replenishment service.

I don't understand where this button makes sense when these 2 services overlap for this 'daily pattern' demographic. Maybe some people just like pushing buttons? I guess this would be great for the SJW and Gamergate crowds.

Comment Re:A Corollary for Code (Score 1) 232

You sound like one of those types of managers who surrounds herself with more stupid versions of herself. The other type of manager is one who surrounds herself with staff who excel in areas she lacks.

Good thing you're professing now. It's probably a hell of a lot easier to deal with those students who excel in the areas in which you lack than it would be to deal with employees possessing the same.

Sorry to castrate you. I can understand why someone lacking the mental capacity would not deal with the tricky parts of a language. But to erect the same barriers on your staff who may not be so limited, unless as explained above you surrounded yourself with more stupid versions of yourself, makes no logical sense.

Comment Elite Colleges (Score 1) 145

Since it's semi relevant I thought I'd share someting interesting with the ./ crowd.

Elite colleges buy SAT scores from the scoring company, which I believe is College Board. They market their institutions to candiditates with lower SAT scores in order to get them to apply, all-the-while knowing those candidates will be rejected. This increases the rejection rates and decreases their acceptance rate. A low acceptance rate is a bragging right. This braging right is of course used in marketing and also in pricing.

Funny how things work some times... Breaking the hearts of a bunch of hopefuls just to increase a metric. Money is the root of all evil.

Comment Re:Missing the obvious, ignoring the hard parts (Score 1) 161

It's the stuff they don't mention that's hard, like checking my pockets, don't wash my shirts with the buttons unbuttoned or the jeans with the outside out

I had to look both of these up because I hadn't heard either before. Apparently washing your shirts with them buttoned is a bad idea. The motion happening to clothes inside the machine exerts force on buttoned clothes causing buttons to come undone, weaken, etc. If you know otherwise I'd like to hear.

Washing your jeans with them turned inside out is a good idea.

Two main reasons clothes are washed inside out:

1) Reduce fading.
Jeans and other clothes that contain dark dye that bleeds easily will not fade nearly as quickly if they are washed on cold and washed inside out.

2) Reduce pilling.
Most synthetic fabrics and those with synthetic blends are extremely prone to pilling. By turning the clothes inside out, you reduce friction to the outside surface of the clothes. In turn, the amount of pilling is greatly reduced.

Comment Re: Morale of the Story (Score 1) 217

Back down tiger. We're all here to help one another learn. That's the 1 reason I come to this site every day. Anyways, I would say the following.

Google/Facebook advertising, Wal-Mart logistics: efficient frontier

Oculus Rift Dev Kit, this specific KS project: bleeding edge

Bleeding edge will be added to my vocab as such.



Comment Re:Lasers are easy to stop (Score 1) 517

You could even add some drone carriers. Flying aircraft carriers were built by the Protoss in the Golden Age of Gaming. Consider what you could do if you gave such a design a nuclear power plant, expanded the size to Nimitz proportions, and replaced the planes entirely with more compact drones.

That is a possible vision of the future.


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