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Journal Journal: Hey I'm back!

I was using the nickname Hemi Rodner because for some reason I though I shouldn't use my original nickname anymore, but... I think I prefer to use Derci now because it has a much lower UID!

Derci (Yaron)

Journal Journal: Closing time 8

As much as I like this username, I won't be able to use it anymore.

This is a bit sad moment, but it happens.
Update: For more information, please post a message here and I'll respond to it by email. Thank you very much.


Journal Journal: Anime for grown-ups

This thingie has been posted in the short form in a mailing list. Here is the longer, original form.

Hi all,

When I first heard that there's such thing called "anime", I started devouring it like crazy. I downloaded and watched a lot of serieses (Hime-chan, Fushigi Yuugi, Lain, etc). That was about 2 years ago (seems I joined the anime mailing list at around December 1999.. that does not seem so long ago).

{ All my excitement was because I always felt deprived of animation. When I was young, I always envied my friends who could watch Jordan and Lebanon on TV (where all the good serieses, like Mighty Mouse, Inspector Gadget etc. were), while I was stuck with channel 1. }

But now, all that excitment is over, because all the shows I watched are either for kids or just plain boring.

So, I'm looking for anime for grown-ups. Something smart and preferably funny, just like Bebop, Simpsons, Futurama, Daria and Dilbert are.

Inverse requirements (what the anime should not have):

  1. Plots that start interesting but gets screwed or start to be boring - happens in most of the Gainax serieses: Envagelion, Kare-kano and Mahoromatic.
  2. Long, boring moments of silence - Lain, what else? :)
  3. Dumb characters - like Yuki from Fushigi Yuugi.

Okay? Thank you.

Journal Journal: Comparison of the Slashdot and Kuro5hin journal system

Benefits of kuro5hin:
  • Comments for diaries can be posted anytime (in slashdot, each diary is "archived" after a couple of days/weeks, and you can't add any more comments, which is silly..)
  • Other users might get to see my diary, if they click on "diaries".
  • It seems more personalized towards the user, besides of the first benefit. For example, I've got that cute "Derci's hotlist".
  • Great search. Much better than Slashdot's sucky search which misses a lot of items.

Benefits of Slashdot:

  • I don't have to post in HTML.. I can use plaintext instead, and I don't have to end each line with BR or P.
  • It's a big place, and I feel more attached to it..
  • I can disallow comments for a diary. I don't think you can do that in Kuro5hin.. can you? (although that currently, I believe that comments are more than welcome)
  • I can edit the diary entry after posting it (crucial benefit, since I love correcting and updating)
  • I can choose silly icons for the diary.

I first posted this thing in Kuro5hin, and didn't know that new diaries there get into their list of daily diaries, so one person got angry on me and flamed me in a snobbish way (he blames the cornflake bowl for his mood.. :).

Anyway, I think I like the anonymity here.. getting merged in the crowd. It makes me feel warm and cozy (I love hamoney anashim), so I'll probably stick to Slashdot.

Btw: R., when do I see you again? You're so cute!

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