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Comment Visible part of Deals going on (Score 1) 230

Interesting to see what deals are going in the background. It will be a bit of a tightrope renegotiating the 800 billion+ yearly deficit with China. We have manufacturing jobs returning to America, though it's been historically very difficult to do deals within China without having to sign over IP etc. While that seems to be changing, I don't think we have enough 'high-margin' areas yet-opened up with China, either in terms of reciprocal tax rate or being able to have substantial ownership of Chinese side companies. p.s. Seems to be a bit of a poltical DNC advocate storm on this page - If you're simply posting 'drumpf bad', don't bother.

Comment Virus Checkers honeypot? (Score 2, Interesting) 116

There already exists the technology to infect android etc phones via the USB port - such that once your phone has been 'searched', It can provide additional data either for detecting terrorism or corporate espionage. As a side note, business or important travellers to China reportedly have free USB 'phone chargers' in their hotel rooms, which when used infect the phone. I have often wondered why someone from one of these firms don't go through with a 'honey pot' phone, act suspicious, get their phone searched, and then do a full diagnostic of the phone to find what they've done to it. Would make for a great story/analysis.

Submission + - One Year After WannaCry, EternalBlue Exploit Is Bigger Than Ever (

An anonymous reader writes: Exactly one year after the biggest cyber-security incident in history, the exploit at the heart of the WannaCry attack is now more popular than ever, according to telemetry data gathered by Slovak antivirus vendor ESET. Named EternalBlue, the exploit was supposedly developed by the cyber division of the US National Security Agency. EternalBlue was part of a large cache of tools that a hacker group known as The Shadow Brokers stole from NSA servers in 2016 and then leaked online from August 2016 to April 2017. Many suspect the NSA might have notified Microsoft of what the Shadow Brokers stole, because in March 2017, a month before EternalBlue was released, Microsoft released MS17-010, a security bulletin containing patches for the many SMB-targeting exploits included in the Shadow Broker leak.

Even if EternalBlue is not being used anymore to help ransomware become a virulent nightmare on a global level (only on a network level), most regular users don't know that it's still one of today's biggest threats. This threat doesn't only come from malware authors continuing to weaponize it for a diverse set of operations. Malware authors wouldn't ever bother with an inefficient exploit. ExploitBlue continues to be a threat because of the vulnerable machines still available online. According to Nate Warfield of the Microsoft Security Response Center, there are still plenty of vulnerable Windows systems exposing their SMB service available online.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 0) 259

'Screwing up the presidency?' Chortle. "That's like, totally your opinion man." Cutting taxes, slashing regulations, renegotiating deals, bringing peace to Korea which every other career politician tried failed, doubling down on attacks to beat ISIS, lowest unempoyment in 16+ years etc and actually prioritising average Americans over illegals or screaming SJWs. He's been fulfilling his campaign promises, my takeaway from this is to stop giving career politicians/beaurocrats the top job - give it to 'actual do-ers'.

Comment Re:Cue all the trumptard russian apologists (Score 0, Troll) 259

No, just real Nerds here who are tired of being spammed by (as another poster put it) paid DNC political shills (with 'English or Sociology Degrees') spamming Slashdot. They should [f'go] off to a different site. Badly spamming sites is like what American voters saw the MSM do in the 2016 election. Upshot is, people will stop voting DNC as they're tired of this shit, and vote for their opposition. 1000 points for shooting oneself in the foot.

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