I cut my teeth on MUDs. I played EQ for quite some time as an Enchanter and quit shortly after Gates of Discord was released because WoW was going to take its place.
And now I play WoW.
I'm also a bit of an elitist. Guys don't tell me how to play. Usually it's me telling them why they're wrong about (insert game mechanic here), the math behind it, and several links and/or websites detailing data that shows they are wrong and I am right.
I've been in Vent before chit chatting during random PuGs (most recently farming rep in ICC) and talk of mage specs came up. I was on my Disc Priest at the time, and asked a mage in the raid if they had a certain talent.
This sparked a big discussion about whether or not it was something good to spent points on.
The vent admin (who wasn't even in the damn raid) booted me because he was tired of listening to me, and the general consensus was that I didn't know wtf I was talking about.
About 3 people came up to me after the run was finished to talk about that and had me log my mage and explain why this particular talent was useful, and the approximate uptime of the buff during boss fights in raids.
All 3 of them (male) promptly went to switch the specs on their mages to include that talent.
The general attitude of "girls suck at games" is rampant. It's a stereotype, and one that I take particular enjoyment in absolutely demolishing.
But then people take the same attitude with guild names too. If a guild name doesn't drip testosterone, then it must be a shitty guild.
We've also destroyed that one.
Though I still want to find a sponser or something, and form a guild called "Pretty Pink Ponies" or something, maybe a Hello Kitty reference, and try and compete for world firsts. No real good reason other than to see the look on the faces of men who realized they have just been completely, utterly, and thoroughly destroyed.... by a GIRL!