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Comment Math Test (Score 5, Interesting) 457

I had a similar thing going on with a clueless manager. He wanted an explanation why projects weren't getting completed on time. I suggested I could do one better and show him why. He agreed. I downloaded I think it was a sample SAT math test. Where ever I got it, it was one of those four or five hour timed math tests.

I gave it to my manager and told him it had to be completed that day. And that just a passing score wasn't acceptable. It had to be returned at 100 percent. No exceptions. But the good news, it was open book. When completed, at his discretion, he could go back over any or every answer and double, triple check, use Google or whatever he wanted. But that no matter what, 100% was needed.

I handed it to him and said your time starts now.

Then I continued taking and mentioned the two meetings we had scheduled. I also told him I'd be needing his help later that day solving an issue we had with a project that was also due that day, etc.
I said I'd be back at the end of the day to see how well he did accomplishing his basic minimum job requirements. I wished him good luck

My goal was to convey that programming is like taking a math test. A math test requiring 100% accuracy. A task requiring full, uninterrupted concentration. That checking every answer when finished was equivalent to testing the code. Even if it was similar to taking the 4 hour test several times. But along with that, meetings, telephone interruptions, being pulled off on unrelated tasks were all part of the job.

Did I mention he was a little clueless? By the end of the day he hadn't even started the math test. And yet he never seemed to 'get it'.


Comment Re:Lulz @work today (Score 1) 473

Good for you, asshole. You got to command the fate of a few people based on some non-relevant criteria hawked up in your own tiny-walled head. How about you let the management make the staffing decisions and you stick to browsing Slashdot at work? Don't be surprised if YOU are the one given the axe for 1. thinking you know how to do management's jobs better than they do and 2. for being annoying and obnoxious to your fellow co-workers.

I'm guessing by your tone you're one of those who either clicked the link or replied to "all". I thought he had a good point. I tend to loose a touch of respect for co-workers I get these emails from. My first thought is usually: "Wow, he/she fell for this?".

Comment Why Am I Suprised (Score 2, Insightful) 617

This doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

"I'm tired of kids coming to school and not learning and getting credit for it," said Superintendent Larrie Reynolds in a Daily Record report.

If the student didn't learn anything does that not mean they failed and should get a failing grade? "C" is Average and "D" is below average but still passing. I fail to see the problem with that. "F" means you failed to learn the course material well enough to pass and do not get credit.

But then, I'm not a power hungry, attention seeking, small penis administrator that needs to "shake up the box" for no other reason then to get noticed.


Comment Re:They are 'anonymising' the data then selling it (Score 1) 139

jorgevillalobos (1044924): I'm in charge of the add-on review process at Mozilla, and I personally reviewed and approved the TACO update due to its complexity. ...I see nothing to be ashamed about.

That's a problem. And thanks for warning us that you're in-charge. This TACO "upgrade" in your face commercialization was a HUGE surprise. If you don't understand what "No Surprises" means... That's a problem. Now unfortunately, because someone like you is in-charge, automatic upgrades are off. 100% will now have to be reviewed before acceptance. You and your supposed function have now become untrusted and thus irrelevant. Although, if you're incapable of understanding "No Surprises" I doubt you comprehend trust either.


Comment Presidential Leadership (Score 1) 768

I'm reminded of President John F. Kennedy - Man On the Moon Address almost 50 years ago. I'm still waiting for a President to do a "stop our dependency on oil" speech. Not unlike what we did with the atomic bomb.

An all out National effort bringing together the brightest minds our great country has to offer. Lock them away with no limits on budget or cost. Perfect either Solar, Hydrogen, wind, all of the above or whatever and solve this country's energy "crisis" that we've been in my entire life. We put a man on the moon, we built an Atomic Bomb from what was just theory. We can figure out and implement a clean 100% renewable abundant energy source.

Wait a minute. Why am I telling ya'll this... I'm going to cut/paste this in a message to the White House. ...I wonder how far along we'd already be in this endeavor had President Gore taken office.


Comment Thieves (Score 4, Insightful) 526

Apple also told the police that the publication of Gizmodo's story was "immensely damaging" to the company, because consumers would stop buying current generation iPhones in anticipation of the upcoming product. Asked the value of the phone, Apple told the police "it was invaluable."

As far as I'm concerned they're both thieves. But, that's just me.


Comment Re:PREDICTIONS ARE IN (Score 1) 288

So it means no more need for crappy camcorders in the theaters and the consequent risk of the recently legislated crazy-ass sentences for getting caught doing so.

Even better than better. Even if there isn't the capability to break and intercept the output at the signal level now all the camies can sit at home with a HD camcorder recording an HD picture from their HD televisions without the chance of getting caught. No more cam jobs of the crappy theater screen. At worst rather than cam jobs made at a theater we'll get HD versions made at home from an HD image.



Comment Re:Doesn't matter. (Score -1, Troll) 764

If you don't mind, I'd like to see these background checks. I wanna have a solid argument to produce next time my father and I get into a discussion about whether or not Fox is to be listened to. In summary and conclusion: [citation needed]

Why do people do this? Admit they're too fusking lazy to keep up and too inept to find things on their own? Google was invented for a reason ya know.

This isn't Wikipedia. If you're really soooo interested in making a solid argument to a point that is apparent and obvious - get your own facts. As if there are not already enough sites to choose from showing in explicit detail the political hacks at FOX "News". Besides I'm not sure I'd want a man with your "talents" arguing a point anyway... /soapbox. Send your mental opponents to and move on, or You'd be wasting your breath anyway - as I am with you.


Comment Supreme Court (Score 1) 172

I got excited when I glanced and read Supreme Court... I'm thinking NO WAY - they actually did the right thing?!?!?! Then realized it was just the New Jersey Supreme Court.

If this get appealed I'm prepared for it to be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. They're not one's to let personal privacy get in the way of well... anything.


Comment Re:Seriously now... (Score 2, Interesting) 342

If requested MySpace/Facebook will grant employers with invisible type "friend" status to any of their employee's account. Employers can monitor their employees page without the user giving individual consent (general consent was given when accepting the user agreements) or knowing they have been friended by their employer. This is not a protection by itself. It could be for this particular service as they claim it only covers "public" information but it isn't if the employer asks directly.

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