I buy my kid Apple because they help her fit in with the kinds of folks I want her associating with. Having an iPhone with iMessage lets her network with other kids. Moreover those kids are at least well enough off to afford an iPhone (well, their parents are). I know there's lots and lots of exceptions, but as screwed up as it is to say this they're still exceptions. It's not about snobbery, it's about keeping her away from crazies. They girls with $100 pre-paid cells and $300 celeron laptops are just plain more likely to have issues.
If there's one and only one thing I've learned in life it's you need to learn to spot and keep crazies out of your life. And one (rather nasty) way to do that is to use money as a gatekeeper. This goes for everything. Where you life, what you drive, what schools you go to. The mentally ill have a hard time being stable long enough to afford nice things.
Wealthy people do not have mental illnesses? Citation please!
"All photos and video captured with your Echo Look are securely stored in the AWS cloud and locally in the Echo Look app until a customer deletes them,"
As in: once you delete them, they no longer store them securely, they just store them normally in AWS. Or they store them somewhere else.
And then:
"You can delete the photos or videos associated with your account anytime in the Echo Look App."
As in: What if they make copies that they don't associate with your account? I.e. in aggregate with all metadata stripped out? Is my naked backside metadata?
Too paranoid?
...executives from Amazon headquarters in Seattle spoke to the unit's 250-plus workers and affirmed the parent company's commitment to Quidsi's business...
When high level execs come out to tell you how important you are, they are massaging your ego until they can afford to layoff/fire you. Been there, had that done to me, it sucks and we should all feel sorry for the gullible suckers at Quidsi.
Remember how selfish these types of services actually are. They exploit tragedies to make a % of the money donated.
Every time I've had a friend or family member ask for money through similar means (and I actually cared enough to donate), I pull out the old checkbook and spend a few cents on a stamp or give them cash in person. Done, no tracking, no skimming 5% off the top, and its much more personal.
Hell, THIS is the part that's confusing me...
One father who live-streamed his partner's labour on Facebook last May,
Ok, usually they use "partner" when referencing gay guys these days...so, are we really worrying so much about a private video going public, when we have here, apparently...new of the first man on earth GIVING BIRTH?!?!
I've never heard of a normal heterosexual couple being referred to as "partners" before...girlfriend, wife, sister (in KY)....but never partner, I thought that was the pure domain of the homosexual set...?
In the realm of political correctness, 'partner' is the preferred term to cover all possible words that could be use to describe the person or persons that one would consider them self to be 'with'.
Something something, its not discriminatory.
Source: Enlightened friends in the collegiate world that insist on re-educating me regularly.
Desktop architect here with a user base of 350ish.
We've deployed 60 Surface Pro 4s this year to DRP folks with docks for their desks and VPN capabilities for home. We've seen our helpdesk volume bump up expectedly as a result, but have yet to see that normalize. My feelings for the Surface Pro 4 are still a bit 'meh', I was gung-ho to buy one for myself at the beginning of the year, but after using one professionally for the last 8 months and deploying the rest to other users, I went with a traditional laptop instead. Too many flashy features for an enterprise device and I'm not a fan of flashy features for my personal devices.
And I wasn't even logged in. The above is my comment.
When asked if it’s "inconsistent" for the MacBook Pro to retain the traditional headphone jack (another widely-used connector that Apple has dropped from the iPhone) Schiller says that professionals still need that on a laptop for other types of audio gear that doesn't work wirelessly.
Did Phill miss that there was a dongle for that?
He adds that he’s been surprised by the criticism, but says the decision to only use Thunderbolt ports was a "bold risk" and Apple will "help people through these changes."
He also forgot to mention how they were going to help: By providing expensive dongles at a high margin.
whereas other glasses-less 3D displays carry cots in terms of image resolution.
So that begs the question: what kind of bedding can we expect from this glasses-less 3D display?
Clinton replied, "Let's get [a] separate address or device but I don't want any risk of the personal [e-mail] being accessible."
Though the bigger question is why would Clinton be using her employer's email system for personal emails? Here in the private sector that is explicitly forbidden in every employee handbook I've ever read.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen