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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 1 accepted (6 total, 16.67% accepted)


Submission + - Rockbox 3.0 Released (rockbox.org)

DarkkOne writes: Rockbox version 3.0 is out. 3 years in development, it marks the introduction of many new players since the 2.5 release and offers software-based playback allowing audio of nearly any commonly (or uncommonly) used format on a list of MP3 players by Apple, iRiver, Cowon, Archos, Toshiba and Sandisk. Beyond this it if FLOSS under the GPL v2 license (or later) and includes a variety of plugins such as games and simple apps. Found at http://www.rockbox.org/ 3.0 is the first official release for any players not made by Archos and more or less marks the beginning of a much more regular release cycle for the software.

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