This post is the biggest crock of misinformation ever. I have a hard time believing you even attempted to use the iPhone for more than 5 minutes, because you're plain wrong about many of your points. No surprise you got modded up though, especially with the "I dare you to mod me down" line to cover up your bullshit.
1. Probably the most amazing and useful feature ever in a phone--auto synchronization between Gmail, Google calendar, contacts, and photos. Yes blah blah Mobile Me. Well Google is free--Apple is $100/yr. And please, the functionality and features of Gmail and Google calendar absolutely crap on the lame excuse of the Apple offerings. Don't even try to argue this one.
Don't even try to argue this one? I get all this on my iPhone for free too, using Google's services.
3. Free tethering. This feature is huge. You're paying for a data plan either way, but at least with Android you don't need to shell out another 60 per month for a wireless cell service just because Apple says "Because I say so."
Hey, surprise surprise, my iPhone comes with free tethering too. Apple has nothing to do with charging for tethering.
5. The ability to use it as a mass storage device, with a removable Micro SD card. Droid has 16gb worth to store.
With only a measly amount of storage available to apps.
Killer features then the IPhone doesn't have: tethering and VoIP (and I mean on a cell network, NOT over wifi--wifi is useless if you're out of your house, and NO I'm not going to travel to Starbucks to use VoIP, no matter how plentiful they are).
Again, iPhone supports both of these, including VoIP over 3G.
With so much wrong, I truly hope you're just trolling. It would be sad if you think this is an actual objective comparison between the two devices.