Comment I thought that shut down long ago (Score 4, Interesting) 67
I thought that site shut down a long time ago when it was basically outted as a scam.
Aholes are still going to the site?
I thought that site shut down a long time ago when it was basically outted as a scam.
Aholes are still going to the site?
Yeah. It's most likely that guy.
You know the one.
The Line god demands a virgin human sacrifice. You have been selected as tribute.
Na, theaters are safe right now. They are completely empty.
Unless you live all by yourself (which, yeah, this is
It can cost my family $40+ to go to a movie. That's even before extras like ordering the tickets online or drinks or popcorn. $20 for a new movie is a steal.
You clearly live alone. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Seems reasonable to me. Taking a family of 4 to the moves cost $40+. (Plus any extras for ordering online, buying drinks or popcorn, etc.)
Even if you are only with one other person $20 seems like a pretty great deal.
Conservatives only ever lie. It's the only thing they know how to do well. They lie. Always. And then when someone calls them out on their lie, they bully. That's it, they lie and they bully and that typically works to get what they want.
So, strictly from an academic perspective, it's fascinating to see how they react to a problem that they can't lie/bully their way through. They lied and the bullied so much that they ran off -intentionally ran off- all of the non-lying/non-bullying people. Now, they are up against a virus that doesn't care about their lies or their bullying.
And they are helpless babies.
Boy, you like to eaves drop.
Well, enjoy Swiping through photos on your phone. Best of luck.
Believe it or not, but some people still do things besides work, drink, and play video games.
Some people do things. In fact, I have it on good authority that a full 25% of the population attends *reads from notes* church nearly every week. You might meet some people there.
You age probably doesn't play as big of a factor as you think. I imagine you were also a selfish young man.
Life has risks. If you choose to not ever get married again, I don't blame you and don't criticize your choice.
But your story had nothing to do with your age when you got married.
This is true, and so that's why we need our "third places". If you aren't doing anything with your time beyond work and home video games, how do you expect to meet people? Get out and join something.
"Even if you do try and show up at those organizations, its uncommon enough for young people that you're still not going to have any options."
Depends on the org. (I mean, don't join the DAR to meet guys.) Religious orgs are still reliable marriage factories. But, yeah, generally I agree. The internet has become a crutch for desperate people. No wonder depression is rising.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.