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Comment $20 is a great price (Score 3, Insightful) 51

Unless you live all by yourself (which, yeah, this is /., so I imagine that's most likely the case for most people around here), $20 is actually a GREAT deal.

It can cost my family $40+ to go to a movie. That's even before extras like ordering the tickets online or drinks or popcorn. $20 for a new movie is a steal.

Comment All they do is lie (Score 0) 287

Conservatives only ever lie. It's the only thing they know how to do well. They lie. Always. And then when someone calls them out on their lie, they bully. That's it, they lie and they bully and that typically works to get what they want.

So, strictly from an academic perspective, it's fascinating to see how they react to a problem that they can't lie/bully their way through. They lied and the bullied so much that they ran off -intentionally ran off- all of the non-lying/non-bullying people. Now, they are up against a virus that doesn't care about their lies or their bullying.

And they are helpless babies.

Comment Re: Makes sense (Score 1) 96

"Even if you do try and show up at those organizations, its uncommon enough for young people that you're still not going to have any options."

Depends on the org. (I mean, don't join the DAR to meet guys.) Religious orgs are still reliable marriage factories. But, yeah, generally I agree. The internet has become a crutch for desperate people. No wonder depression is rising.

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