Versions of Linux have proved vulnerable to serious bugs in recent years., the Web site that facilitates extramarital affairs and suffered an embarrassing data breach in July, was reportedly running Linux on its servers, as do many companies.. Those problems did not involve the kernel itself, but experts say the kernel has become a popular target for hackers building “botnets,” giant networks of computers that can be organized to initiate cyberattacks.
People in also were reading Washington Post
Before whining about decrease in next period - it would be nice if someone explained what did US citizens get for their $272 million spent on "social, behavioral and economic sciences" and $1.3 billion "geosciences research, which includes climate change study" spent in previous period.
"offer of work from another transparency-related organization" it illustrates just so well how the 'transparency related organizations' work and what are their true objectives.
Do they care that guy tried to use flaw in law to get unfair advantage -NO
Do they care if guy knows something and in fact could be an imbecile - NO
Do they care if all this case is silly hype - NO
I guess all these 'transparency-related organizations' ever want is attention, noise, proving somebody (but the best - be it government or corporation) being idiot or villain, regardless of facts, causes, any purpose or any common sense.
I'd urge you to read that peace by Arika Okrent. Apart from reading stories about miscelenious freaks, geniuses and villains you will understanding why you will most likely fail. According to Okrent there are 2 main reasons why folks invent language
1- remove ambiguity and find universal tool for describing everything (Lojban being last interesting attempt)
2- easy-to learn communications tool (Esperanto, Ido and similar)
3- pure fun (creations by Tolkien and authors of Star Wars (sorry do not remember language names anymore)
And you will fail in any of those categories because
Clear Solar Cells Could Help Windows Generate Power
Clear Windows Could Help Solar Cells Generate Power
Windows Could Help Solar Cells Generate Clear Power
Clear Power Could Help Windows Generate Solar Cells
"an extremely reliable source" - sounds like teenager chatter to me
If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley