Someone created a device which *has* to engage in active surveillance to force a device which may or may not be engaged in surveillance off it's currently connected network.
I wonder if the device can be configured to kick itself off the network? Someone could bring a 2nd one in, plug it up, and let it actively scan for the 1st device then keep kicking it off.
If they collapse the probability wave function and it results a universe collapse, I'll be seriously depressed.. Practically crushed about it..
so they can continue to pursue criminals where there isn't a net payoff at the end... like nearly all of them.
Yes.. because enforcing the law should result in a net payoff for the people tasked with enforcement.
"We knew trouble was brewing when the RAV4 EV failed to set the world on fire"
I heard that some of the Tesla cars have set the world on fire...
We started out having the test sent before interviews and it worked for about 3 months. Then we told HR to start sending an updated test and they continued to send the old tests.
We ended up asking HR to filter out some of the least eligible people while we go for most eligible but we had to be explicit to the team receiving resumes to make they they didn't discard people who didn't get a degree but have the necessary experience (since I'm in that bucket along with 1/2 the team).
Ultimately, after we receive the resumes, we then tell HR to send the "Attached" document to the applicants which avoids triggering the "Oh, they just want the test sent and i already have a copy I can send out".
And, we do put existing people back through the tests. It helps us work out what training we need to provide or get feedback on revising the questions.
Working for you must be interesting.
The test we wrote specifically apply to the skill-sets we need:
We rarely use them as "Pass"/"Fail" questions but grade each question on a 1-10 scale of the answers provided then find the people with the better score. Comparing that to the interview itself helps us decide who we want to interview again with management. We have overridden our scoring system on occasion because someone impressed us on a question but didn't get the highest score. Their answer was sufficient to allow us to make a judgement call. Worked out rather nicely based on the skills they brought that we didn't make a test to measure.
We also change the questions based on how our work changes so that we don't try to test against something we were doing 3+ years ago but aiming for skills we need now or will need in a few months.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen