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Comment More sarcasm, but I can't help it (Score 5, Funny) 226

Why should they pay taxes when

- their vehicles never drive on any public highway

- they never call on public fire, police, or rescue departments

- they don't use the internet in any way

- they take no water from public water systems or use commercial services that do

- they never take a case to a public court

Comment My short list (Score 1) 255

Isaiah Berlin: A Life, Author: Ignatieff, Michael

Escape into Darkness: The True Story of a Young Woman's Extraordinary Survival During WW II, Author: Games, Sonia

Who Owns the Future, Author: Lanier, Jaron

Dawn of the New Everything: Encounters with Reality and Virtual Reality, Author: Lanier, Jaron

Waking Up White, Author: Irving, Debby

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Author: Lanier, Jaron

Comment Re:This is a BS article.. (Score 2) 412

"Single payer sounds a whole lot better ..." Yeah, good luck with that. I hope Amazon et al shake up the "health care" industry. Making money on providing medical care should be illegal. It's certainly immoral in my book. The Europeans have good systems which provide good care at much less the cost than what we all pay. But here in "America First" we've got this huge insurance bureaucracy which is expensive ... all for the purpose of improving the bottom line for the insurance companies. So our insurance premiums go in part to pay the insurance companies to work to keep their payouts as low as possible. What a great system for them! What a lousy system for the patients. So if Amazon et al can come up with a system which delivers better care for less, good for them.

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