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Comment Re:Ah, "unlimited"... right. (*cough*) (Score 1) 983

Then why do they call it "unlimited?"

Because they're selling to you.

It's not up to the consumer to know if a company's business plan is sustainable or not.

It is, if you want that company and your data to be still there in X months time.

Claiming unlimited usage and then having a cap is just false advertising.

If that's illegal where you live, call them on it. If not, move somewhere with decent consumer protection legislation.

Comment Re:Taking exception to a statement in the summary (Score 1) 470

IIRC, the research which found plastic bags will last for "hundreds of years" was in fact looking at plastic bottles.

That's my recollection too, in my case gained from here (about 10 minutes in):

(That plays in the UK, but I've no idea if it'll work in whatever corner of the planet you're in)

Specifically it's referring to Polyethylene Terepthalate (are you old enough to remember Terylene? If so, that's the stuff. If not, good for you).

Submission + - OpenStreetMap Launches a new easy to use HTML5 editor

SWroclawski writes: On the heels of the news that OpenStreetMap is allowing anonymous contributions with its "note" system, the project has launched a new in-browser editor called iD, which is not only easier to use, but written completely in Javascript, using the D3 library for rendering.
With all these improvements, OpenStreetMap is gaining popularity and has started a new campaign for additional hardware to support all the new contributors.

Submission + - OpenStreetMap adds easier reporting of map problems

An anonymous reader writes: OpenStreetMap recently topped 1 million registered users. Now they are trying to make the barrier to entry for contributing to the project even lower. A new "notes" feature, announced on the project's blog, allows anonymous users to submit bug reports which will alert mappers in the area to incorrect or incomplete map information. The feature also allows for commenting on notes, potentially enabling two-way communication between a mapper and a bug reporter if more information is needed.

Comment Re:Test Drive Again -- With A Video Camera (Score 1) 609

Exactly this.

Given Tesla's previous unsuccessful attempt to sue Top Gear in the UK, I'm amazed that in 2013 we seem to be witnessing a slanging match "I was doing X speed / No you were doing Y". Surely anyone reviewing a electric car (actually, any car) would have a GPS not connected to the car with them and be able to provide full logs on request?

Also, wouldn't anyone driving a Tesla for the first time and seeing the range display reading an unexpectedly low value take a a picture of it with their phone?


Submission + - Mutations Helped Humans Survive Siberian Winters (

sciencehabit writes: Researchers have identified three genetic mutations that appear to have helped humans surive in the frigid climate of Siberia over the last 25,000 years. One helps the body's fat stores directly produce heat rather than producing chemical energy for muscle movements or brain functions, a process called "nonshivering thermogenesis." Another is involved in the contraction of smooth muscle, key to shivering and the constriction of blood vessels to avoid heat loss. And the third is implicated in the metabolism of fats, especially those in meat and dairy products—a staple of the fat-laden diets of Arctic peoples.

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