Comment Re:Pardon my language and lack of depth, but.. (Score 1) 799
Go! The rest of the country would be overjoyed to see California leave the country too.
Go! The rest of the country would be overjoyed to see California leave the country too.
and the best OS Microsoft has put out yet.
Pure opinion and far from the opinion of most people. XP, while not perfect by a long shot, is still the best OS MS has managed to come up with.
The only reason Win 7 will eventually have a majority share is because Microsoft will stop selling and supporting XP and will only sell Win7. Through simple hardware attrition Win7 will become the most used platform.
Of course, they want to spin the news they way THEY want - both by how they report and what they choose to report or not. How could they stand it if people wanted them to report negative stories about Obama and positive stories about Bush?
"Publicly accessible" is the spin. It's connecting one MS parking lot to another MS parking lot. It's not like it's connecting two public streets.
It's not like the MS drones are going to walk anyway, they'll still use the free MS shuttles they have driving all over the city.
I don't think it has to be either/or, MS is fully capable of rushing out a minor change to Vista.
Doesn't look like it. He's already backpedaling about campaign promises (lies) and talking like Bush. Obama is no different from any other lying, sleazy politician.
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.