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Comment Re:WD HD Live (Score 1) 516

The WD Live and WDTV HD do not. For Netflix streaming you need the WDTV Live Plus. It's about twice what the Seagate Theater+ costs. I got one of the Theater+ units as well and it plays almost everything I can throw at it. The Netflix streaming is HD. Windows shares are no problem. It even played a ripped DVD ISO with menus over the network. Very impressed with the bang for the buck I got.

Feed Wikipedia's Real Problem: Nerd Bias (

There's been plenty of debate over the past couple of years about the merits of Wikipedia, generally focusing on how "trustworthy" the site is because of its anonymous contributors and lack of professional editorial review. But SomethingAwful has cut to the heart of Wikipedia's problems: its apparent nerd bias (via TechCrunch). The site, rather amusingly, compared the length of articles on related topics, such as modern warfare and lightsaber combat, or Buzz Aldrin and Jean-Luc Picard, concluding that the "nerdy" topics were more thoroughly written. Of course, many of the topics the article highlights reflect more of a pop culture bias (such as Aristotle vs. Oprah), while the sheer length of the article isn't a real comprehensive test of quality. The underlying point, though, is that people contribute in areas which they're passionate about, and in which they have some knowledge. While on the face of it, this piece would appear to give more ammo to Wikipedia's critics, perhaps the point to take away from it is that the site can serve as a useful reference on areas that tap the knowledge of its contributors, and illustrate that the community is capable of creating comprehensive reference works. While the SomethingAwful piece oversimplifies and overstates the gap in quality among the supposedly nerd and non-nerd topics, the challenge for Wikipedia is to keep growing the community, so level of knowledge that's being shared across the board continues to rise.

Submission + - SPAM: Marriott IT exec shares network "horror story

alphadogg writes: Neil Schubert is only partly kidding when he calls Marriott International's move toward a converged network a "horror story." "I'm here to tell you a terrifying tale of network design, support and administration," he said at an IT conference in Boston, referring to a major bandwidth crunch caused by guests wielding Slingboxes and other network devices that overran the hotel chain's outdated network. [spam URL stripped]b ert-marriott.html

Submission + - Time Warner Cable Implements Packet Shaping (

RFC writes: "Time Warner announces introduction of packet shaping technology.

"Packet shaping" technology has been implemented for newsgroup applications, regardless of the provider, and all peer-to-peer networks and certain other high bandwidth applications not necessarily limited to audio, video, and voice over IP telephony. Road Runner reserves the right to implement network management tools for other applications in the future."

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