'My prediction is that in the years ahead, we will see more failures than we have been seeing, because people have forgotten what we had to do to get to where we are.'
There are many aspects of our society and world for which this is true, not just data centers.
And this is why the "militarization of the police" is a problem. You're not a soldier, this isn't war, and you aren't an occupying force dealing with insurgents. If you think you are, and you treat all non-police as potential threats, you need to turn in your badge and gun and get psychological help.
The media have a role to play in this, as well. By not informing people that these kinds of abuses are happening, it prevents us from knowing just how bad the situation is becoming. If these things stay at the local level of reporting, or aren't even reported because the local media don't have the budget or the concern, nothing will improve. This is why Balko's reporting efforts are vital, and more people need to be involved in reporting these abuses.
A formal parsing algorithm should not always be used. -- D. Gries