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Comment Re:Charter? (Score 1) 228

Or he's just using the assumed units, like we always do in these discussions.

That's certainly possible, just like it's possible he tolerates 700 kilobits/second on what he thinks is 21 megabits per second and hasn't pursued it as some acute problem with his service, or just gone elsewhere.

However, you did seem to avoid the question of why the company should be able to sell a connection that they seem to never be able to come close to meeting.

TFA says they are able to come close for a random sampling of users, for what they claim to be a maximum speed for some class of connection. When I see someone post about "21 meg or some shit" and claim to be tolerating 700 kilobits/second in the early evening, I assume they're mistaken or haven't behaved rationally in resolving it.

Comment Re:Charter? (Score 1) 228

I'd like to know where they tested Charter at. If you're in a relatively sparse area they're great, but here in Madison, WI, they fucking suck. I have "21 meg" or some shit and at most I pull down between 2 and 5. Between the hours of 5 and 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening, it's damn near unusable because everybody in the city comes home and starts streaming Hulu and Netflix and I'll be lucky to pull down 700k, and the latency spikes like you wouldn't believe. The techs themselves tell me never to expect to hit the speeds I'm told I'll get, because that's not "real-world use."

So if I'm never going to get that speed in practical application, why again are they allowed to advertise said speed?

Sounds pretty likely by the ambiguous units in your post that your expectations are inflated by a factor of 8 because you're misunderstand the units of what's advertised vs. the units in what you're observing.

Comment Re:No offense intended, but... (Score 1) 913

You may be the best programmer in the world, but without studying the things you now consider to be a waste of your time, you do not know how to think or communicate.

Being better at what you consider your job is not everything. You need general education to be able to handle all of the other work-place and meat-space things that are not programming related.

Do you really think there's some abundance of extraordinary programmers that are incapable of thought, communication, and working in an office because they didn't spend 36 hours "studying" Philosophy in college? Can your barber or cleaning lady think, communicate, or "handle" living in society? Is this argument the result of some superior general education curriculum during your BS?

Comment Re:REST is not an architecture (Score 1) 49

Everything in the story makes sense as describing an architectural style and some architectures that follow the principles of that style. Seems like the gotcha in the grandparent post is some mis-used can criticism of "is it written in REST?!". Extra lame points for trying to leave "architectural style" out to play up the difference.

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