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Comment Re:Uber doesn't own the vehicles, correct? (Score 1) 346

But he doesn't set his own hours - he sets his own availability with higher than normal granularity, but actual scheduling is top-down from the app (there's a limited amount of rides he's allowed to refuse, but it holds in general).

They're paid per time (or, rather, per fare, which works out to be equivalent).

Being able to sign up for other ride services doesn't seem particularly relevant, given the prevalence of multiple part-time jobs in the U.S. at this point.

Comment Re:Having security meet him at his desk (Score 5, Insightful) 279

And it's a terrible way to go about things.

Treating exiting employees like criminals when there's no established reason to doesn't improve workplace security - it just means that the person outside your company with the most current stories about how you operate has a story about how you treated them badly.

You should absolutely be able to revoke people's powers, etc, but that's an "after they've left" step. Any damage you think you're preventing, they've already had the opportunity to do.

Comment Re: Centralized on GitHub! LOL! (Score 1) 116

There's a world of difference between having an agreed-upon repository of record, and having a centralized system. A big part of the difference is that setting up a pro-tem repository of record can be done trivially from any up-to-date repository.

GitHub is convenient. It's not necessary.

Comment Cautionary suggestion (Score 1) 698

I hope this successfully comes off as it's meant, as helpful criticism.

Your daughter is in sixth grade; the best thing you can do might be to spend the time you would on these videos being with her now. The "write a bunch of time-release notes" thing has been promoted a lot lately, but can seriously backfire - I can't find it right now because @work, but there's an article where a woman talks about how that sort of thing can be taken extremely badly - she basically dreads the once-a-year reminder that her father is gone.

Things like documenting your life can certainly be a good idea; but be really careful to set it up so that she can come to it on her own terms, and don't let it turn into something that will attach your passing to all her memories of you.

Comment Concurrency bugs found in highly concurrent langs (Score 4, Insightful) 217

Also striking - they point out that functional languages, in particular Scala, Erlang, and Clojure have more concurrency bugs, without bringing up that concurrency support is basically the primary feature those languages are selected for. I'd love to see the defect number correlated with the percentage of code dealing with concurrency.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 445

There are plenty of people complaining about it. Like, say, almost every single feminist who's written anything, for example. It's also worth pointing out that, while the paranoia about molesters is a factor, the dearth of male teachers in the professions at hand predates the molestation scare by decades, and is directly caused by society devaluing "women's work" and attaching a stigma to it.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 445

...we geeks LOVE geek girls.

Kinda the problem, dude. It's not all as simple as avoiding the "he-man women-hater's club" mentality - you also have to accept women as individual people, rather than a fetish object that you're all for because it pings your pleasure centers.

Also - if you think that the scholarships, special clubs, awareness programs, et cetera aren't necessary, how come the HIGH number here is 22%. I guarantee you, there is not enough biological difference in the world to drop 50% of the population to 22% across a well-paying, intellectually stimulating and high-employment job in this economy.

It's not thought policing to point out social inequity. And all sorts of shit steers culture ALL THE TIME. Culture is nothing if not a sea of competing voices and influences; and it's the basic duty of a rational person to try and push for positive change, rather than whinging about how "It's alright just the way it is, and it's totally awesome that there's a stigma on male nursing because I don't care."

So don't get your balls caught in your jock.

Comment Re:Duh! (Score 2) 214

It's not exactly either/or though, is it? What wouldn't be rude is saying "I'm sorry, I have other things I need to get to" or "I'm sorry, I have to keep an eye on my phone, my wife/boss said they might text." But just ignoring someone you're speaking to in person while staring at your phone? Yes, that's rude, and frankly, it's still rude if you're expecting a text of great import. It comes down to treating other people as if you value their time. If something you're doing doesn't meet that criteria, you're being rude.

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