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Comment Re:Well now (Score 1) 268

I have lived in mainland China for almost a year, my wife is Chinese, and I speak a decent amount of Mandarin.

but at the same time i support the right of a people to choose their governments
This statement disagrees with the rest of your post. This statement of yours directly supports democracy (a system in which the people choose their government), as opposed to what the Chinese have right now.

The current government there harshly punishes those who speak against the communist party, teaches everyone a modified version of history (without letting them look elsewhere), and pretty much raises the populace thinking that the entire world wants to pick on China, and only the communist party can make the country prosperous and strong. If you speak against the party, you will be beaten, thrown in jail, maybe even you and your family killed.

How can you say that the people are choosing their government? Weren't the Tiananmen protesters people, trying to choose a government? What happened to them? And almost all of China doesn't even know anyone died there!

Sure, if you poll the Chinese people, they'll probably widely support the communist government. That's technically a measure of support. But without the censorship and the brainwashing, we don't know what the Chinese people really think. And even if it stopped now, it would take generations to flush all the crap they've been taught out.

Most Chinese don't know this is the situation. The few who do are afraid to talk about it, inside their own homeland!

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